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Arab Spring: Yemen

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    Arab Spring: Yemen

  • Yemeni activists arrested

    Yemen was hit fresh by protesters after the arrest of 19 opposition activists.
  • Protets in Sana'a

    Thousands of people protest on the streets of Sana'a, they are calling for an end to Mr.Saleh's rule over Yemen.
  • Yemen president says he will step down in 2013

    President Ali Abdullah Saleh says he will step down in 2013 and his son will no longer succeeed him. This is a last ditch attempt to stop protests.
  • Day of rage in Yemen

    Both pro- and anti-government supporters take to streets a day after president offers to step down in 2013. Pro goverement supporters argue for the president to stay, Anti-goveremnt protesters want Saleh to leave.
  • First protesters killed in Sana'a

    Pro-government gunmen open fire on students staging a sit-in, killing at least two and wounding 21.The fatalities were the first in the capital after 12 days of anti-government protests that have swept across the country.
  • Prisoners riot in Sana'a

    2,000 prisoners stage a revolt in Sana'a's prison.
  • Yemeni army tried to end university protest

    Yemeni army wounds 98 students in efforts to end university protest. Yemen's President moves against protesters seeking to unseat him as students and prisoners call for him to quit.
  • Yemen's president offers new constitution and referendum

    Yemen's president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, has said he will draw up a new constitution to create a parliamentary system of government in an attempt to defuse increasingly violent protest against his 32-year rule.
  • Yemen police kill protesters in crackdown on dissent

    Yemeni security forces have killed four people and wounded hundreds more in the second day of a harsh crackdown on anti-government protests.
  • 45 protesters killed in Yemen

    Death toll rises as live rounds used in increasingly violent crackdown on nationwide protests.
  • Yemen president fires entire cabinet as protests escalate

    Calls for Ali Abdullah Saleh to stand down grow louder as tens of thousands turn out for mass funeralYemen's president has fired his entire cabinet amid escalating protests demanding his resignation.
  • Yemen military commanders join opposition

    Senior officers and troops side with protesters as envoys, editors, party chiefs and governors call on President Saleh to step down. 11 military commanders, including a senior general, defected from the regime, promising to protect anti-government protesters in the capital.
  • Yemen MPs pass emergency laws to quash uprising

    Ruling party in Sana'a assembly backs President Saleh's move to suspend constitution, ban protests and allow tougher powers of arrest.Its adoption was a virtual certainty because Saleh's ruling party dominates the 301-seat legislature.
  • Thousands gather in Sana'a

    Tens of thousands gather in Sana'a to demand the resignation of Mr.Saleh.
  • Many die at factory blast

    Atleast 121 people die from factory blast in southern Yemen as President Ali Abdullah Saleh was losing his grip on parts of the country amid an anti-regime revolt.
  • 400 hurt as police fire on protest

    Yemen secruity forces fire on people marching through southern city of Taiz.
  • Clash in Taiz

    Thousands are attacked by troops and plainclothes police in Taiz.
  • President backs away from peace plan

    Mr. Saleh backs away from peace plan drawn up by gulf states to end his rule.
  • Thousands march over protesters death

    Thousands march in Sana'a, in protest of the death of the demonstraters in Taiz.
  • Saleh promises to step down in 2013

    President Saleh promises he will step down in 2013 but protesters want his immediate deposition.
  • Military violence escaltes

    A showdown looms in after 6 people are killed in skirmishes between rival military factions.
  • Yemeni women join street protests against president Saleh

    President's 'no-women' comment draws hundreds of thousands of enraged Yemenis out for mass protests
  • President offers to quit in return of immunity

    Yemeni protesters have vowed to maintain pressure on President Ali Abdullah Saleh to follow through on a promise to step down if he and his family are granted immunity from prosecution under a Gulf initiative aimed at ending violent unrest over his 32-year rule.
  • Troops kill 12 in Sana'a

    Security forces fire on anti goverment demonstration.
  • Huge protests in Yemen

    Mr. Saleh calls for early elections as thousands rally against his 3 decade rule.
  • Saleh refuses to quit

    The president refuses to sign a deal arraging for him to leave his office in return for legal immunity.
  • President refuses to quit

    Mr. Saleh says he will not quit or let Yemen become a failed state.
  • Saleh survives assassination

    Saleh survives assassination attempt on an attack at a mosque in his compound.
  • Stand down, west urges Saleh

    The US and Britian urge Saudi Arabia to persuade Saleh to stand down.
  • Saleh makes first appearance since assassination attempt

    Saleh criticises opponents in first public appearance since the assassination attempt in june.
  • Mr.Saleh leaves hospital

    Mr. Saleh leaves hospital in Saudi Arabia after being wounded for more than 2 months.
  • Troops fire on protesters

    Yemeni forces reportedly opened fire with anti aircraft guns and automatic weapons.
  • Saleh calls election as violence continues

    President Salah calls for early elections in his first speech since returning to Yemen.
  • Yemen president quits after deal made in Saudi Arabia

    Mr. Saleh agrees for immediate transfer of power in return for immunity for himself and his family.
  • Saleh loyalists shoot 5 dead after his resignation

    Pro-government gunmen shot five people dead in the Yemeni capital on Thursday, a day after the president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, signed a deal agreeing to end his 33-year rule in exchange for immunity from prosecution.