Tusnia starts a chain reaction
Mohammed Bouazizi lights himself on fire outside a local office to protest being humiliated by local police for not having a permit for his vegetable buisness. http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2044723,00.html -
Bloody Thursday
A peaceful protest at the pearl roundabout turned violent as nearly 1000 policemen stormed the roundabout. Police attacked protesters by slashing their tents open and shooting rubber bullets and flashbang granades. The police were also preventing paramedics from helping those who were wounded. Supposedly 300 people were injured but only 45 people were checked into nearby hospital. Four people died that day due to the violence displayed. http://www.jadaliyya.com/pages/index/10235/remembering-bl -
No Fly Zone over Lybia
In March 2011 the U.N. security council issued a no fly zone over Lybia in fear of NATO air strikes and bomb testing. Two days after this was announced NATO air strikes began in Lybia. -
Mohamed Morsi announced presidential election winner
Morsi was apart of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. When he won the presidential election in June, 2012 it was a symbolic triumph for Islamists in their struggle for power. Morsi is was the fifth president in Egypt, but the very first to not be involved with the military. People say that this election was a large step in Egypt's walk to democracy. Even though he was elected, Morsi's status does little to difuse the tension between the brotherhood and the military forces in Egypt. http://www.nyt