Arab Spring Comparative Timeline

  • Egypt

    June 6, 2010: Khaled Said beaten by the police.
    Jan 25, 2011: "Day of Rage" protests in Tahrir Square.
    Feb 11, 2011. Hosni Mubarak resigns
    Jan 21, 2012: Freedom and Justice Party win majority of seats in Parliamentary elections.
    June 2, 2012: Hosni Mubarak sentenced to life for killing protestors.
    June 24: 2012: Mohammad Morsi (Muslim Brotherhood's candidate) elected President.
    August 12, 2012: Morsi asserts control over military by forcing military cheif to resign.
  • Tunisia

    Dec. 17, 2010: Mohamed Bouazizi's protest. Jan. 14, 2011: Ben Ali flees to Saudi Arabia.
    June 20, 2011: Ben Ali sentenced to 35 years in jail in abstenia. Oct. 26, 2011: Constituent Assembly results, Ennahda wins a majority.
    Dec. 14, 2011: Prime Minister Hamdi Jebali took office.
    Mar. 26, 2012: Ennahda announces constitution will not cite Islamic law underscoring secular nature of government.
  • Bahrain

    Feb 15, 2011: Thousands of protestors gather at the Pearl Roundabout in the capital Manamato protest government violence at the funeral of pro-democracy protester.
    February 18, 2012: Pearl Roundabout destroyed
    Mar 14, 2011: Gulf Cooperation Council troops under the leadership Saudi Arabi enter Bahrain
    Aug 31, 2012: "Freedom and Democracy" Rally draws as many as 100,000
  • Libya

    July 7, 2012: General National Congress elections held.
    Aug 5, 2012: Geral National Congress takes office.
  • Libya

    Feb 16, 2011: protest begins in Benghazi
    Feb 26, 2011: UN Security Council votes to refer Muammar Gaddafi to International Criminal Court for war crimes.
    Mar. 17, 2011: UN security Council backs no fly zone and airstrikes to protect Libyan civilians.
    Mar 19, 2011: NATO commands air & missile strikes against Muammar Gadaffi
    Jul 15, 2011: International Contact Group on Liby formally recognizes opposition government National Transtitional Council
    Oct 20, 2011: Muammar Gaddafi killed
  • Syria

    Mar 28, 2011: Assad sacks cabinet, hints at reform
    Apr 1, 2011: "Friday of Martyrs"
    May 25, 2012: Houla massacre
    Aug 6, 2012: Nearly 20 Senior Military Officers Defect Assad's regime.