OAPEC foundation
is a multilateral organization based in Kuwait, which coordinates energy policies between Arab nations. It's main objective, according to the organization itself, is development. Compound by Algeria, Bahrein, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates. -
Yom Kippur War
Also known as the Arab-Israeli war of 1973 was a warlike conflict conduct by the union of the Arab countries led by Egypt and Syria against Israel, with the purpose of recovering lost territory of the third Israeli-Arab war (1967). -
OAPEC indicates an oil Embargo
To all the countries supporting the Yom Kippur war like Canada, USA, Japan, United Kingdom and Netherland. -
Operation Nickel Grass by the United States.
Strategic airlift created by United States to provide replacement of weapons and supplies resources to Israel. Soviet moves where similar but they supply to the Arab side. -
Oil price raised
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Iran and Iraq raised prices by 17% to $3.65 per barrel and announce production cuts. -
OAPEC strategy against Western countries supporting Israel.
OAPEC oil ministers agree to use oil against or to influence (stop) the western support of Israel, recommended an embargo against the estates that did not comply and also mandated export cuts to this states. -
The Yom Kippur war ends.
Arab Producers announce
a 25% output cut, and further 5% cut in threatened. -
Oil embargo extended
The Arab embargo extended to Rhodesia, Portugal and South Africa. -
Arab oil ministers increased the cut of production
The Arab oil ministers agree another 5% of cut on the production to the non-friendly countries like United States, which have a date of beginning on January of 1974 -
Oil cut canceled
Arab oil minister canceled the oil cut because the Saudi oil minister Ahmed promises a 10% OPEC production rise. -
Oil price freeze
The OPEC decided to freeze the price of the oil until April 1. -
End of the US embargo.
The Arab oil ministers with the exception of Libya, announce the end of the US embargo. -
End of the oil crisis