1948 War
Brief Description:
Israel declared independece. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria,
& Iraq attacked Israel.
Israel gsined land. Egypt gained the Gana Strip and Jordan gained the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Jews became refugees.
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Settlement Construction Begins
Brief Description:
Isreali government approved the approved the buliding of settlements in the Slnai, Gaza Strip and the West Bank
The first settlements were intended to act as security and prevent attacks. Settlement construction was very limited for the first decade. Now roughly there are 300,000 West Bank settlers that criticize and say it makes traveling harder and was bulit on land for future Palestinian state. -
Six Day War or The 1967 War
Brief Description:
Egypt blockaded Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Syria & Iraq moved troops to Israel's borders and made threatening statements. Israel launched a preemptive strike. This war began on the 5th of June and enden on the 10th of June.
Israel captured the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, the Golan Heights from Syria, and the Gaza Strip and all of the Sinai Peninsual from Egypt. More palestinians and Jews became refugees. Terrorism became mmore common. -
Attrition Battles
Brief Description:
Israel gained land from Egypt, Jordan and Syria. The Attrition Battles started in 1967 and ended in 1970.
Arab nations refused to couperate with Israel. Egypt began small scale attacks. The POL attacked military personnel and civilians from bases in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt. Airplane hijacks and terrorist attacks became more common. Jordan evicted the POL -
The October War or Yom Kippur War
Breif Descripton:
In 1793, Egyot and Syria attakced Israel on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish year.
After Arab military successes, Israelis managed to push back the attack. The United Stated convinced Israel to withdraw from their entered territories. Syrian troops were stopped ten miles from the Israeli town. After the war, Israel returned captured territories in 1967. -
Egypt and Israel Sign a Peace Agreement
Brief Description:
Egypt became the first Arab country to recognize Israel and to enter into a peace tready with it after a result of intense diplomatic efforts by the Untied States the year before
Israel returned Egypt all of the Sinai that had been captured during the 1976 war and removed during the 1976 war and removed Jewish families from their home they had established there. This is the "land of peace" policy. -
The 1982 Lebanon War
Brief description:
POL Units in southern Lebanon increasingly attacked communities in northern Israel.
Known as the 1982 Lebanon war or the first lebanon war, Israeli troops advanced to beirut and succeeded in getting rid of the POL leadership from Lebanon. The Lebanese civil war generated domestic and internation opposition to it's involvment in Lebanon. Israel withdrew in 1985, but maintained military presence in southern Lebanon as a buffer zone to calm down terrorism in Israel. -
The First Intifada
Brief Description:
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank engaged in an uprising or intifada against Israeli control of these territories. Outcome:
Palestinians attacked Israelis with improvised weapons and firearms supplied by the POL. Suicide attacks against civilization in Israel sparked them to use military forces to contain the violence. They weren't trained for these attacks. The Oslo records signed in 1993 ended this fight, many casualties were suffered. -
The Oslo Accords
Breif Description:
Were a set of agreements that began in 1993 when Israel and the POL signed a Decleration of Principles (DOP).
Led to creation of Palestinian authority and administweing the territory under its control. Israel gradually withdraw its miliarty prsence from the Gaza Strip and Jericho left Israel to defend itself and its citizens. Along with the DOP, Israel and the POL exchanged letters of Mutual Recognition. For the first time the POL formally recognized Israel, renounced -
Israel and Jordan Sign a Peace Treaty
Brief Description:
with the 1979 peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, the US led a difficult but sucessful diplomatic process to help Jordan and Israel achieve peace
Jordan became the second Arab country to recognize Israel as a nation. Trade, business, relations, tourism, and cultural exchange became possible between the two nations, and have increased. -
The Camp David Summit
Brief Description:
American prime minister Bill CLinton brought Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak and palestinian president Yasser Arafat to camp david in July, 2000. Outcome:
Nothing was really achieved and the fighting continued. -
The Second Intifada
Breif Description:
Israeli general Ariel Sharon visited the Jewish temple manly a site recovered by Jews and Arabs alike. THis was taken as proracative by the Palestinians so they rioted.
Palestinian suicide bombed many Israeliaties and the Israeli's responded with force and many people died. -
Arab Peace Initiative Is Proposed
Breif Description:
During Beirut Summits, the King of Saudi Arabia proposed a treaty in which the israelis would withdraw from Palestine and in return be recognized.
A major break through was found because many countries tried to initiate peace for the first time. -
Israel Begins Constructing the West Bank Barrier
Breif Description:
Israel started construction on a large fence/wall that sperated the Israelis and the West Bank border so suicide bombing would stop.
The amount of suicide bombings dramtically decreased but some Palestinians became seperated from their school and work. -
The Roadmap for Peace Is Proposed
Breif Description:
Proposed by the United States, Russia, and European Union. The goal was to seperate Israel and Palestine states to reduce violence.
Only 1/3 of hte steps could be completed because of Hamas's election in 2006. -
Israel Disengages from Gaza
Breif Description:
Seperation of Israel from Palestinian territories. Also began the construction of the West Bank barrier.
Many terrorists fired rockets from Gaza into Israel because it was not done as part of the negotiation. -
Hamas is Elected
Brief Description:
Palestenians elected Hamas members to power. In the charter, Hamas called for the destruction of Israel and killing of the Jews. Outcome:
Western nations implicated sanctions and stopped aiding Palestine, but said they would withdraw the sanctions once Hamas makes peace with Israel. -
The 2006 Lebanon War
Brief Description:
Hezbollah crossed the Israel boarder and attacked an Israel army unit killing 8 soldiers, and kidnapping two more. They used human shield tactics by setting up in civilian areas with rockets. Outcome:
This resulted in the loss of civilian lives / property damage. Israel damaged Lebanons transportation to stop Hezbollah from resupplying, ended by UN cease fire 1701. -
The Battle of Gaza
Brief Description:
Great tension between Hamas and PLO since the election, Abas dissolved the Hamas government of power. Outcome:
Western Sanctions were romoved, and Hamas lost the power they gained from the election. -
The Gaza War
Brief Description:
Israel attacked Hamas targets in Gaza in an effort to stop rocket attacks and disrupt terrorism on Israel. Outcome:
Hundreds of millitants were killed, but because Hamas was based in launch attacks from urban areas, Gazas economy was heavily damaged due to property damage. -
Gaza Flotilla incident
Brief Description:
After Hamas seized control for Palestan authority. Israel required a blockade to search for weapon smuggling, Israel took over a turkish ship tresspassing in waters, and killed the crew. Outcome:
The cargo from the ship was sent back, but Turkey wanted an apology from Israel. Israel thinks it was a justified action. This event put a lot of stress on the once very good allies. -
The Arab Spring
Breif Description:
After protests against oppressive governments started in tunisia they spread to much of the arab world
The tunisian libyan and egyptian government were overthrown and many more were forced to changed