Democritus by agostino carracci

Arab-Israeli Timeline

  • Nov 24, 1300

    Rise of Ottoman Empire

    Rise of Ottoman Empire
    In the 1300's the Ottoman empire gained control of the region and allowed each religion to govern their own lives in their religious aspects. This event is relevant, because it shows the coexistance initially found throughtout the regioon and how the religions were not discriminated.
  • Zionist movement

    Zionist movement
    The Zioniist movement started in the late 19th century. Zionism is the belief that Jews must return to their homeland (Palestine) and create a Jewish state. By 1914 85,000 Jews return. This is relevant because the Arabs are worried that this will interfere with their goal of an Arab state.
  • British Mandate

    British Mandate
    Britain took control of Palestine after the Ottoman Empire was defeated in WWI and declared it a mandate. This is relevant because the Palestine which is considered the holy land and now it is under control from another outside empire.
  • Period: to

    The Holocaust

    The Holocaust was a mass genoicde driven by a discrimination and hatred towards the Jews and the Jewish faith. Over 6 Million were killed in this timespan. This is relevant because it was a massive tragedy and took more than 6 million lives.
  • Hitler comes to power

    Hitler comes to power
    Hitler comes to power in Germany and focuses on anti-semitism (which is a hatred towards Jes) as a result several jews flee in a mass-migration back to Palestine. Relevant because this large conflict in Europe caused a mass migration which in the long run causes an even bigger conflict due to the moving back to Palestine.
  • Forming of Israel

    Forming of Israel
    Israel formed. Jews controlled 3/4 of Palestine, even though they only were 1/3 of the populations. This is relevant becase the Palestinans have no homeland and refugees are not allowed to return home.
  • Egypt takes control of Suez Canal

    Egypt takes control of Suez Canal
    This is relevant because following this event Israel conducted a pre-emptive strike on Egypt, with the support of Britain and France. This advance eventually stops due to a ceasefire.
  • Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) is formed.

    Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) is formed.
    The PLO was initially founded with the goal of the dissolution of Israel, mainly through the use of armed force. Since its founding, the organization has sponsored innumerable guerrilla raids on Israeli civilian and military targets.
  • Egyptian President Anwar Sadat makes a historic visit to Jerusalem

    Egyptian President Anwar Sadat makes a historic visit to Jerusalem
    This was a very big deal at the time because he had come to discuss a peace treaty and address the Knesset. This vistit gave the world hope towards world peace.
  • West Bank and the Gaza Strip riots

    West Bank and the Gaza Strip riots
    People living in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip begin riots. This is known as the intifada (uprising) against Israel. The violence intensifies as Israeli police crack down and Palestinians retaliate. More than 20,000 people are killed in the fighting.
  • Prime MInister Rabin is assassinated

    Prime MInister Rabin is assassinated
    This is relevant because he was slain by a Jewish extremist and this jepordizes any progress towards peace.
  • Israel and the PLO sign the Hebron Accord

    Israel and the PLO sign the Hebron Accord
    Hebron Accord, which calls for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Hebron. The move ends 30 years of occupation and divides control over the contentious town between Arabs and Israelis. Also later in the year The construction of new Jewish settlements on the West Bank profoundly upsets progress toward peace.