Arab-Israeli Conflict & Jews and Palesinians

  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    The Balfour Declaration was a 67 word statement containded within a brief letter attributed to lord Arthur Balfour, the british foreign secretary. It recognized a jewish homeland in Palestine.
  • Holocaust

    The Holocaust is an event in which the Nazis beleived that Germans were "Racially Superior" and started to annihilate the jewish population, at concentration camps.
  • UN Partition

    UN Partition
    The UN Partition wa a plan to replace the British mandate for Palestine with "Independent Arab and Jewish States" and a "Special International Regime for the city of Jerusalem".
  • Intifada

    An Intifada is an Uprising, Resistance, or Rebellion. All of the Intifadas are the March, Zemla, First, 1990s, 1991 uprising in Iraq, Second, Cedar Revolution, and the Independence Intifada (Western Sahara).
  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
    The Six Day War was a war fought by Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt, UAR (United Arab Republic), Jordan, and Syria
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    The Yom Kippur War was a war between Israel and a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria. The was began when the aoalition launched a joint suprise attack on Israel on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judasism.
  • Camp David Peace Accords

    Camp David Peace Accords
    The Camp David Peave Accords were signed by Egyptian president AnwarEl Sadat and Israeli prim minister menachem begin. Which later concluded in an Egypt - Israel Peave Treaty.
  • Invasion of Lebanon

    Invasion of Lebanon
    Israel Defence Forces invaded southern Lebanon. The Government of Israel launched the military operation after the Abu Nidal Organization's assassination attemp against Israel's ambassador to the UK, Shlomo Argov.