The Camp David Summit
This event has where U.S President Bill Clinton, Israeli Prime minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian President Yasser Arafat try to workout a solution between Israel and
Palestine. Barak suggest to have a Palestinian state with a capital for East Jerusalem but Arafat did not like that idea. With trying to accomplish peace, this countries failed. -
Attrition Battle *
Israel obtained land from Egypt, Jordan and Syria and stated that any religion can visit Jerusalem. Israel also announced for peace and recognition there would be a return of other territories. In Sudan, Arab nations would not accept any peace. Egypt attacked Israel until the Sadat was in power. The PLO attacked Israel as well with bases where Israel took land and use airplanes. PLO forces were known as “Black September.” -
Settlement Construction Begins *
The permission to build and migrate in Sinai Gaza and the West banks was granted by the Israeli government. The first settlement was to secure outpost and avoid attacks. Settlement rapidly increased to 300,000 people living there. There were complaints and issues about how some people thought that they settle on a land that has meant for Palestinians to make their state. Other said it will decrease the Military and this worried Israel and they wanted to propose to make peace with them. -
The October War or Yum Kippur War *
Egypt and Syria took action by attacked Israel on Yom Kippur. That day was one of the most holiest days for Jews. Israel proudness for succeeding against Arab military gave them strength to back up the attack. Israelis believed that Jerusalem (heartland) could of been taken away as they were moving in West banks, The Golan heights and the Sinai. -
Egypt and Israel Sign a Peace Agreement
Egypt has the first country to sign a peace treaty with Israel because of a diplomatic effect by the United States. All Egyptians that were captured in the War were released and Israel also removed Jewish families that lived in their areas. -
The 1982 Lebanon War
In Southern Lebanon, PLO attacks Northern Israel. Therefore, Israel attacked PLO in Lebanon. This war has also known as the First Lebanon War. With the success that Israel made it to Beirut, they made the PLO fled. This has has costly and led to many problems. AS a result, most of Israeli military left Lebanon but they kept some there just for protection. -
The First Intifada
Palestinians from the Gaza and the West Banks attacked ISrael because of their controlling of land they took. They used weapons and firearm supplies to their advantage that has provided by the PLO. Palestinians also did suicide attacks. Israel has not prepared for this attack and the Palestinians lives lost made Palestinians feel like Israel has too harsh. However in this attack the number of Israel's people that died equaled about the same number that the Palestinians lost. -
The Osio Accrods
This was an agreement with Israel and PLO to sign a Declaration of Principles. It created the Palestinians Authority that control territories. Israel and Palestinians exchanged Letters of Mutual Recognition. This agreement would lead Israel giving up land to get peace. -
Israel and Jordan a Sign a Peace Treaty *
This is an agreement between Egyptians and Israelis. Jordan helped obtained peace even the the United States led to problems. Jordan also has the second country to make peace with Israel. There was a increase in business, tourism, cultural exchanges and science. -
Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed
A prince Abdullah proposed peace by getting approval from the Arab League. The afford to make peace with Israel is for them to return all the territories they captured in the 1967 War and claim Palestine are independent with a East Jerusalem capital. Israel rejected the proposal because they did not agree with everything Palestinians demanded for. So the Arab League sent a delegation to Israel for the first time to try to work things out. -
Israel Begins Construction the West Bank Barriers
Israel built security barriers that will help protect the civilians for terrorist. However, these fences were built near urban center which caused problems. People could not work or study. Also, in order to get to where you wanted to go u need to pass security. Some people claimed it would be temporary. -
The Second Intifada
Israeli General Ariel Sharon went to Jewish Temple Mount. There was anger for the small action taken to try to get peace. Palestinians believed that the visit has a failed and it will be roit meanwhile Israel that it has a sign for violence. This visit caused this to countries to create a bloodshed. There were many suicide bombers and many people died. As a result there has no peace made. -
The Roadmap for Peace is Proposed
This was a plan to make peace between United States, Russia, The European Union and the United Nation. It also Included Israel and Palestine. There goal was to met their goals, have an Independent Palestine and keep Israel safe. However, there has no result made in this Roadmap. -
Israel Disengages from Gaza
Prime Minister Sharon called for a separation of Israel from Palestine. He wanted Israel to return Gaza Strip however, the Israeli people that settled there did not want to leave. Israel ended up given them this territory so Palestin could try govern themselves. -
Hamas is Elected
Hamas member were elected to the Palestinians Authority’s legature by Palestinians. People were surprised because their government collapsed before. Hamas proposed to destroy Israel and kill the Jews. This lead for Israel to suspend them because it has not part of the Palestinian-Israeli agreements. -
The 2006 Lebanon War
Hezbollah was determined to destroy Israel and it has supported by Iraq and Syria. There was an attack made in the Lebanon Israel border and they laughed rockets into civilian homes and neighborhoods. However, Israel damaged Lebanon's transportation and it has a plan to push back Hezbollah. This ended with a Un Cease Fire Revolution. -
The Battle of Gaza
There has tension between Hamas the PLO when Hamas won the Palentin election. Hemas attacked Fatah members and the Palestine Authority suspended Haas government, Today, Hams controls the Gaza and Palestine Authority control the West Banks. -
The Gaza War
Israel attacked Hamas to try to stop rocket shooting in Southern Israel, stop terrorist, and transportation of weapons. Hundreds of people in the military were killed and Hamas attacked back in Urban areas. Their building and economy has damaged. -
The Gaza Flotilla Incident
Israel and Egypt started a blockade after Hamas controlled the Palestine Authority. They wanted to the smuggling of weapons. Israel stated the the six ships cannot go to Gaza but the ships refused. Israel took control of the ships and Turkish wanted an apology from Israel. Israel said they could not apologize because of the likes loss. So Turkish has no longer allies with Israel. -
The Arab Spring
In Turkish Arab states began a protest against the government. Thus protest spread in all of Tunisia and the Arab World like Algeria, Bahrain Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Syria,Yemen. The Tunisian President left the country and Egypt's President resigned. This changed the Arab nation between the Arab-Israeli conflict and the peace process is has not made.