1948 War
Israel declared independence. Egypt, Jordon, Lebanon, Syria, & Iraq attacked Srael. Israel gained land. Eqypt gained the Gaza Strip and Jordan gained the West bank and East Jerfusalem. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian and Jews became refugees. "The Israeli War of Independence, 1948." History 12. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 04 May 2015. -
Settlement Construction Begins
The Israeli government aprroved the building settlements in three places, Sinai, Gaza, and the West Bank. There were many more settlements Israel started to weaken because people were protecting the settlements. -
Attrition Battles
July 1 1967 to August 7 1970 Egypt began small scale attacks on Israel.The PLO hijacked airplanes and attacked outside of Israel. Jordon succeded in evicting the PLO. The PLO moved to Lebanon. "Friends of Israel." Israel Defense Force Spokesperson. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 04 May 2015. -
Six Day War or The 1967 War
June 5 to June 10 1967 Egypt blockaded Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Syria & Iraq moved troops to Israel's borders and made threatening statements. Israel launched a preemptive strike. Israel captured the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, the Golan Heights from Syria, and the Gaza Strip and all of the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. More Palestinians and Jews became refugees. Terrorism became more common. -
The October War or Yom Kippur War
October 6 to October 26 1973 Egypt and Syria attacked Israel on Yom Kippur. Israel retained the land in 1967, but not the additional land. "Yom Kippur War." History.com. A&E Television Networks, n.d.
Web. 04 May 2015. -
Egypt and Israel Sign a Peace Agreement
The US helped Egypt and Israel enter a peace treaty. Israel returned the captured Sinai people from 1967 and got the Jewish families out of the establishments there. "March 26, 1979 | Israel and Egypt Sign Peace Treaty." The
Learning Network March 26 1979 Israel and Egypt Sign
Peace Treaty Comments. N.p., 26 Mar. 2012. Web. 04
May 2015. -
The 1982 Lebanon War
June 6 1982 to June 1985 Lebanon attacked communities in Northern Israel There were terrorist attacks which led to a second Lebanon war "An Israeli M113 on Unit in Lebanon, 1982 - War Photos, Famous History Photos, World War Images, History Images." War Photos, Famous History Photos, World War Images, History Images. N.p., 23 Dec. 2013. Web. 05 May 2015. -
The First Intifada
Dec 8 1987-1993 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and West Bank started rioting in Israel for control of their land. The Israelis attacked with great force because they didn't know how to react, and they killed alot of Palestinians. "25 Years On: What Did Israeli Settlers Learn from the First Palestinian Intifada? - Passover 2013." Haaretz.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2015. -
The Oslo Accords
A set of agreements thats led to the Israelis and PLO signed a Declaration of Principles. It led to the Palestinian authority, they had the responsibility to vontrol theland It was supposed to be an agreement for Israel to give their land for peace, but the palestinians and Israelis accused each other of not fulfilling the promise. The Oslo Accords." Ynet. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2015.
The Oslo Accords." Ynet. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2015. -
Israel and Jordan sign a Peace Treaty
Jordan signed a treaty with Israel,becoming the second Arab country to take Israel into account The treaty helped the nations trade through cultural, science, business, and many more "The Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty." Ynet. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2015. -
The Camp David Summit
11-25 July 2000 The US tried to get Ehud Barak and The Palestinian president to Camp David,band work out a peace deal It did not succeed because Yasser Arafat didn't compromise because Barak didn't give the Plaestinians enough land "Sixteen Years of Israeli-Palestinian Summits." Time. Time Inc., 23 July 2007. Web. 05 May 2015. -
The Second Intifada
2000-ongoing Israel's General visited the Jewish Temple Mount that was important to Muslims. He tried to make peace with the Rabs but it caused a riot. The event caused great damage to both sides. palestinians sent suicide bombers to destroy Israelis. Hudreds of citizens were killed. The result was a failed peace treaty. "Second Intifada." Second Intifada. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 May 2015. -
Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed
The Arab League made a peace traety which offered Israel to withdraw from territiries captured in 1967. Israel welcomed the proposal but not all demands. They refused to withdraw from pre 1967 borders. "The Arab Peace Initiative." - Al Jazeera English. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 May 2015. -
Israel Begins Constructing the West Bank Barrier
Israel built a barrier that seperated the Israeli citizens from the terrorist group at the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The barrier reduced terrorist attacks along the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It cut off Palestinians from urban areas where they work. "Israeli Forces Begin Construction of New Cement Wall on Ni’lin’s Land." International Solidarity Movement. N.p., 20 Aug. 2009. Web. 07 May 2015. -
The Roadmap for Peace is Proposed
It was a peace plan that was created by the US, Russia, the European Union, and the UN, to get Palestine free and secure. It was divided into three sections, but never made it past the the first because there wasn't any agreement. When Hamas was elected, the treaty paused. They wanted to destroy Israel, but when Abbas was elected Palestinian president, he contolled Hamas. "Road Map for Peace." Ynet. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May 2015. -
Israel Disengages from Gaza
June 6, 2004 to September 12, 2005 Prime Minister Ariel Sharon created a policy that separated Israel from Palestine. Israel should give up the Gaza Strip, while the Welt Bank Barrier was being built. The Israelis didn't want to leave the Gaza Strip, but the bation decided to follow, and get out of the Gaza Strip. It started to increase the rocket rate fired in Israel because some of the people weren't leaving fast enough. -
Hamas is Elected
Palestine elected the Hamas members, as opposed to the PLO. Many did this because the PLO was becoming corrupt with Palestine. Hamas wanted to destroy Israel and kill the Jews. They did not follow any of the agreements with Israel before. Hamas was accused of many terrorist attacks and not many people liked them. "The Gaza Bloodbath." San Francisco Bay View. N.p., 10
Jan. 2009. Web. 06 May 2015. -
The 2006 Lebanon War
July 12 to August 14 2006 Hezbollah, a racist Islamic organization wanted to destroy Israel. They were allies with Iran and Syria. They crossed the Lebanon-Israel border to start the attack. They killed an army unit with eight soldiers and kidnapped two more, that were later murdered. There were rockets launched in the towns of Israel. Then Israel fired back at Hezbollah. It was done it neighborhoods, which caused a lot of damage. -
The Battle of Gaza
June 10 to June 15 2007 There was great tension between Hamas and PLO Fatah. Hamas attacked Fatah members in Gaza. Hamas controlled Gaza and the Palestine Authority controlled the West Bank. Western sanctions were lifted after the Hamas government was dissolved. Erlanger, Steven. "Unity Fractures as Palestinians Battle in
Gaza." The New York Times. The New York Times, 16 May
2007. Web. 06 May 2015. -
The Gaza War
December 27, 2008 to January 18, 2009 Israel attacked Hanas targets in Gaza to stop rocket attacks on Southern Israel. Hundreds of militants were killed. Since there were many attacks in urban area, there were many civilian casualties. Most of Gaza's buildings and the economy was damaged. Tait, Robert. "Israel and Hamas Exchange Missile Fire as New
Gaza War Looms." The Telegraph. Telegraph Media
Group, n.d. Web. 06 May 2015. -
Gaza Flotilla Incident
Israel and Egypt inspected goods before they went into Gaza. They prevented sneaking weapons in, so they wouldn't get to Hamas and become absconded. The six ships didn't listen to the Israelis and Egyptians. Commandors borded the ships, directing them to Ashdod. The Israeli-Turkey Ally was soon broken. "All in the Same Boat: Israel, Turkey and the Mavi Marmara."
Random. N.p., 11 Nov. 2012. Web. 06 May 2015. -
The Arab Spring
December 17, 2010 to December 12, 2011 Arab citizens began to protest against autocratic and oppresive governments. The protests spread from Tunisia to the Arab World. The Tunisian president left on January 14, 2011. The long term impact of the ongoing changes in Arab nations on the Arab-Israeli conflict and peace process is not yet clear. "Intakes: The Arab Spring in the Autumn of Capital." Intakes:
The Arab Spring in the Autumn of Capital. N.p., n.d. Web.
06 May 2015.