1948 War
Israel declared independence. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq attacked Israel. Israel gained land. Egypt gained the Gaza Strip and Jordan gained the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Jews became refugees. -
Period: to
Major Events in Arab-Israeli Relations
Attrition Battles
Israel gained and from egypt, jordan and syria. Egypt began small scale attacks against israeli positions. Which carried out airplanes hijacking and terrorist attacks outside of israel. -
Six Day War or The 1967 War
Egypt blockaded Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq moved troops to Israel's borders and made threatening statements. Israel launched a preemptive strike. Israel captured the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, the Golan Heights from Syria, and the Gaza Stip and all of the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. More Palestinians and Jews became refugees. Terrorism became more common. -
Settlement Construction Begins
The first settlements were intended to act as security outpost and prevent attacks against on major population centers. Over the time settlements construction increased. There is now roughly 300,000 West banks. -
The October War or Yom Kippur War
Egypt and Syria attacked israel on Yom Kippur, the holiest days of the jewish year. The unites states convicted Israel to withdraw from the territories it had entered not keep additional land. Israel could have been overrun without the time it took from invading forces to move through the West bank, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai. Israel retained the territories captured in th 1867, but did not keep addition land. -
Egypt and Israel Sign a Peace Agreement
Egypt became the first Arab country to recognize Israel and to enter into a peace treaty with it. Israel returned into all of the Sinai that had captured during the 1967 War and removed Jewish families from the homes they had established there. -
The 1982 Lebanon War
PLO units in Southern Lebanon increasing attacked communities in northern Israel. Israeli troops advanced as far as Beirut and succeeded in expelling the PLO leadership from Lebanon to Tunisia. -
The First Intifada
Palestinians attacked Israeli with improved weapons and firearms supplied by the PLO, which organized much of the uprising. The Israeli army, trained to fight regular armies. Palestinian lives lost during military countemeasures led more some to feel the Israeli respond was too much. -
The Olso Accords
The Oslo Accords led to the creation of the Palestinian Authority, which had responsibility for adminstering the territory under its control. For the first time, Israel formally recognized the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people. -
Israel and Jordan sign a Peace Treaty
The United States led difficult but successful doplomatic process to help Jordan. Trade, business relation, tourism, cultural exchanges, and scientific cooperation was a result of this. -
The Second Intifada
Israeli's were terrorized by numerous suicide bomber who targeted and killed hundreds of civilians. The failed peace process had been a prolonged intifada, many people suggest late 2004 or early 2000's -
The Camp David Summit
The negotiations were carried out in secret, participants President Clinton and U.S. Middle East envoy Dennis. There were no countrer-proposals, the goal of the summit two states living side by side in peace was not achieved and further conflict-ensured. -
Arab Peace Initiative Proposed
The crown prince of Saudi Arabia proposed Israel peace in return for Israeli withdrawl from all the terrorists in the 1967 War, This caused Israel to welcome the proposal but does not accept all of its demands. -
Israel Begins Constructing the West Bank Barrier
Israel built a security barrier, separating citizens from terrorists. This reduced the number of suicide bombings. But this has been critisized for dividing Palestines from their land. -
The Roadmap for Peace is Proposed
The plan proposed for peace by the U.S, Russia, European Union, and United Nations. It involves reciprocal steps by the Isrealis and Palestinians. The roadmap has never progressed past the first. Progress was halted on the roadmap. -
Israel Disengages from Gaza
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had made the physical separation of Israel from Palestine territories. This was controversal because the Isreali citizens who lived there did not want to leave. -
Hamas is Elected
Palestinians elected a majority of Hamas members to the Palestinian Authority's legislature over the PLO's Fatah party. Many Western Nations imposed sanctions and suspended aid to the Palestinian Authority. -
The 2006 Lebanon War
Hezbollah comitted to destroying Israel. It is based in Lebanon and is heavily supported by Iran and Syria. Israel launched air strikes on suspected Hezbollah military targets. This resulted in loss of civilian lives as well as property damage. -
The Battle of Gaza
Hamas militants attacked Fatah members throughout Gaza. The Palestinian Authority President, mahmoud Abbas, dissolved the Hamas government. -
The Gaza War
Israel attacked Hamas targets in Gaza in attempt to stop rocket attacks on southern Israel and to distrupt terroritst insfrastructure and weapon smuggling. Hundreds fo militants were killed. There were much civilian casualties and Gaza's buildings and economy were heavily damaged. -
Gaza Flotilla Incident
The Gaza Flotilla Incident required all goods to be inspected before entering Gaza. Israel then got control of the ship and directed it towards Ashdod. -
The Arab Spring
Citizens in Arab states began protesting against autocratic and oppressive governments. The long term of the ongoing changes in Arab nations is not clear yet.