1948 War
Ended March 1949 Israel had decided to declare independence, making Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq attack Israel. After this, Israel gained land and Egypt gained the Gaza Strip. As well as Jordan gained the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Because of this, hundresds of Palestinians and Jews became refugees. -
Settlement Construction Begins
The issue and construction is still ongoing. Building of settlements to create a separation barrier was approved by the Israeli governements and the settlements increased in the West Bank. They were built on the Palestinian land and protecting these settlements was a drain in the Israeli military. Because of this, it is still an issue and its something these places need to negotiate. -
Six Days of War or The 1967 War
Ended on June 11, 1967
Egypt had blockaded Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq moved troops to Israel's borders and made threatening statements which led Israel to launch a preemptive strike. Israel then had captured the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, the Golan Heights from Syria, and the Gaza Strip and all of the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. There were more refugees and terroism became more common. -
Attrition Battles
Ended in May of 1970
Israel had gained land from Egypt. Israel had made an offer that would give this land for peace and recognition. But no nation wanted to negotiate with them. Since this had happened, war had started and places like Egypt started small attacks. In 1971 Jordan and succeeded in an attack and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) had moved its base. -
The October War or Yom Kippur
Ended on October 26, 1973
On Yom Kippur Egypt and Syria attaked Israel. But after they attacked, the U.S had convinced Israel to withdram from the territories it entered during the 1967 War. Israel was able to retain its territories but no additional land. -
Egypt and Israel Sign A Peace Agreement
Happened on March 26, 1979.
Egypt became the first Arab country to recognize Israel and have a peace treaty with them. Israel returned to Egypt all of the Sinai that had been captured during the wars and remove the Jewish families from the homes. -
The 1982 Lebanon War
Ended around September of 1982.
Lebanon increasingly attacked small communities in Northern Israel. This lead up to an attack that Israel launched on Lebanon. But this had brought Israel into a Lebanon civil war. But they were able to remove themselves from it in 1985. Renewed terrorist attacks in Lebanon had led to a second Lebanon War. -
The First Intifada
It had ended around late 1993.
Palestinians had an uprising over the land in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. It had occured after an IDF truck collided killing 4 Palestinians. This had led to boycotts and attacks all over these areas. These conflicts continued until the Oslo Accords that were signed in 1993 -
The Oslo Accords
Happened on September 13th, 1993.
It was a set of agreements that led to the creation of Palestinian Authority, also wanting the Israel military to withraw from the Gaza Strip. But Israel recognized the PLO as a representative of the Palestinian people. After signing the accords, both Israelies and Palestinians accuse the other of not fulfilling their obligations. -
Israel and Jordan sign a peace treaty
Happened on October 26, 1994
The U.S led Jordan to become the second Arab country to recognize Israel and gain peace with them. This had made trade, business relations, tourism, cultural exchanges, and scientific cooperation between the two to have increased. -
The Camp David Summit
It ended on July 24, 2000.
Bill Clinton brought Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian President, Yasser Arafat to a place called Camp David to negotiate on some things. The goal of Camp David Summit, was to have two states living in peace. But this was not achieved and further conflicts ensued. -
The Second Intifada
This issue is still ongoing today.
General Ariel Sharo visited the Jewish Temple Mount and many believed he had went not to make peace, but to start and begin a riot. This had begun to cause conflict of war and terrorism on both sides. This resulted in having the peace process between the Israelies and Palestinians fail. -
Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed
It is still something that presents a conflict today.
Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia proposed a peace initiative that offered Israel peace in return for Israeli withdrawal from all territories captured from the 1967 War. Israel welcomes the proposal but they don't accept all the demands like withdrawaling its borders. Israel eventually met with Arabia to discuss the proposal. -
Israel Begins Constructing the West Bank Barrier
This is still ongoing today.
Israel built a security barrier that separates citizens from terrorist groups in the West Bank. It would give Israel a safe home to its people. But, it was critisized for dividing some Palestinians from land and work. Others say, its temporary and can be removed in true peace, but lives lost to terrorism can't be brought back. -
The Roadmap for Peace is Proposed
It had happened and ended on April 30th, 2003
It was a plan of peace that was proposed by The U.S, Russia, European Nations and United Nations that wanted an independent Palestinian and a secure Israel. They decided to reaffirm at the Annapolis Conference. But unfortunately, there is yet to be progress as a result of this conference. -
Israel Disengages from Gaza
It had happened throughout the month of August, 2005.
Israel decided to remove itself from Gaza so that the Palestinians living there could govern and run themselves. Since this withdrawal, the number of rockets fired by terrorists from Gaza into Israel has increased dramatically, causing major conflicts. -
Hamas is Elected
He was elected on January 25, 2006.
The Palestinians elected a majority of Hamas members to Palestinian's people over the PLO's Fatah party. Because of this, western nations imposed sanctions and suspeded aid to Palestinian Authority. -
The 2006 Lebanon War
The war had ended on August 14th, 2006.
Hezbollah, a terrorist group, had crossed borders and attacked an Israeli army unit, killing 8 soldiers and kidnapping 2 more, to be killed. This had eventually led to even more attacks. Hostilities offically ended with a UN Cease Fire Resolution 1701. -
The Battle of Gaza
It was ongoing throughout the month of June.
The Hamas militants attacked Fatah members throughout Gaza with ongoing attacks. Palestinian President, Mahmound Abbas eventually stepped in. This resulted in the dissolving of the Hamas government. -
The Gaza War
It ended on January 18, 2009
Israel had attacked Hamas targets in Gaza to stop rockets and disrupt the terrorist infrastructure and weapons smuggling. Because of the many attacks in Gaza, many civilian casualities and Gaza's buildings and economy was heavily damaged or destroyed. -
Gaza Flotilla Incident
Happened during the month of May.
Israel and Egypt began a blockade of Gaza, requiring all goods to be inspected to prevent weapon smuggling. This had led to severe deterioration in the relationship between Israel and Turkey which were originally allies. -
The Arab Spring
It is still an ongoing issue today.
Citizens in Arab states have began to protest against autocratic and oppresive governments. This had began when a fruit seller had set himself on fire because he didn't like the officials of his state. The impact of this conflict and the protests is not yet clear.