Six-Day War
Israel launched air strikes in Egypt, Syria, and Jordan and destroyed their grounded airplanes. Soon after Israeli ground troops quickly defeated Arab troops -
Yom Kippur War
In 1973 Egypt and Syria launched a suprise attack against Israel on the Jewish holy day Yom Kippur. At first the Arab troops did well, but after receiving military suport from the U.S it ended in a ceasefire. -
Camp David Accords
In 1977, the president of Egypt recognized Israel as a nation and wanted to make peace with them. President Carter invided the Egyptian president Sadat and the prime minister of Israel to Camp David. They reached an agreement called the Camp David Accords -
In Palestine resentment of Israel grew until a rebellion valled the Intifada broke out. In the Intifada Palestinian youths fought Israeli troops. -
The Second Intifada
The Israelis and Palestinians attempted to create peace but due to interferance from civilians it didn't work out. In 2000 the Second Intifada the Palestinian youths were joined by Palestinian security with guns.