Arab-Israeli Conflict

  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    was a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.
  • Arab-Israeli War

    Arab-Israeli War
    War fought between the state of Israel and a military coalition of Arab states and Palestinian Arab forces. Second stage of 1948 Palestine war. Arab legion attempted to capture the city of Jerusalem.
  • Suez War

    Suez War
    -second Arab-Israeli War
    -Diplomatic and military conformation in late 1956 between Egypt and Israel
  • Yom-Kippur War

    Yom-Kippur War
    *war fought by the coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria against Isreal
  • End of Yom-Kippur War

    End of Yom-Kippur War
  • Camp David

    Camp David
    -Peace treaty agreement
    Anwar Sadat: Egyption President
    Menachem Begin: Israeli Prime Minister
    Jimmy Carter: United States President
  • Assassination of Anwar Sadat

    Assassination of Anwar Sadat
    President of Egypt, assassinated during anual victory parade held in Cairo
  • 1982 Lebanon War

    1982 Lebanon War
    -Isreal Defense forces invaded southern Lebanon
    -launceed the military operation after the Abu Nidal Organization's assination attempt
  • First Intifada

    First Intifada
    Palestinian upraising against the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories. 1991: Madrid Conference
    1993: Signing of the Oslo Accords
  • Oslo Accords

    Oslo Accords
    Set of agreements between the government of Isreal and Blestine Liberation organization
  • My Opinion

    I think that they will eventually split into two different countries. It will probably take a while to happen, but eventually I feel like that will be the outcome. They will still fight over the land but they wont have as many conflicts.