1948 War
Israel Declared its Indipencence. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq attacked Israel. Israel Gained land. Egypt gained the Gaza Strip and Jordam gained the West Bank and East Jerudalem. Hundreds of thousands of palistineans and Jews became refugees. "The Israeli War of Independence, 1948." History 12. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2015. -
Six Day War or The 1967 War
Egypt blockaded Israel. Egypt, Jordam, Syria, and Iraq moved troops to Israel's borders and made threatening statements. Israel launched a preemptive strike Israel captured the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, the Golan Heights from Syria, and the Gaza Strip and all of the Sinai peninsula from Egypt. More Palestinians and Jews became refuges. Terrorism became more common -
Attrition Battles
It was when Egypt led small scale attacks on Israel. Egypt and the PLO forces tried to overtake Irsael. The PLO soldiers were known as the "Black September" -
Settlement Construction Begins
the Israeli government approved the building of settlements in the Sinai Gaza and the West Bank The first settlements were intended to act as security outposts and to prevent attacks on the major population centers. Also, they acted as a refuge for all of the jews that lost their homes during the war/ -
The October War or Yom Kippur War
Egypt and Syria attacked Israel on Yom KIppur, the holiest day of the jewish year Israel tried to push back the attacks but the untied states convinced them to withdraw their attacks. After the war Israel retained the land they had lost -
Egypt and Israel Sign Peace Agreement
Egypt became the first Arab country to recognize Israel and to enter into a peace treaty with it. The Egyptian, Anwar Sadat, realized that a continuing state of war with Israel was harming the Egyptian eonomy and the well being of its people -
The 1982 Lebanon War
The PLO units in Southern LEbanon increasingly attacked communities in Northern Israel In response Israel had an attack on the PLO millants stationed in Lebanon. Israeli troups advanced as far as Beirut and succeeded in expelling PLO leadership from lebanon -
The First Intifada
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank engaged in an uprising or intifada against Israeli control of these terrorists Palestinians attacked Tunasia and the Israeli's with impovrished weapons and firearms supplied by the PLO which organized much of the uprising -
The Oslo Accords
A set of agreements that began in the 1993 when Israel and the PLO signed a decleration of principals. (DOP) Led to the creation of the Palestinian Authority, whcih had responsibility for administrating the territory under its control, it called on Israel to withdraw the Millitary -
Israel and Jordan Sign Peace Treaty
As in the 1979 peace treat between Egypt and Israel the United States led a difficult but successful diplomatic process t helo Jordan and Israel achieve peace Jordan became the second Arab country to recognize Israel. Trade buisness relations tourism, cultural exchange and scientific cooporation between the two natons have increased since the agreement was signed -
The Camp David Summit
The U.S. brought Israel and Palistinean leaders to camp David to achieve an agreement. We created west bank and a indipendent palistinean state with the capital of East Jerusalem. The Palistinean leader refused it, becuase he felt like he was not gaining enough territory. Peace was not acchieved. "Photo Ops." Tablet Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2015. -
The Second Intifada
Israeli General Wisited the Jewish Temple Mount. The visit created the Second Intifada. This caused great bloodshed on both sides. Civilians were killed from terrorist attacks that killed hundreds of people. "Thousands Mark Second Intifada Anniversary in Gaza." Ynet. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2015. -
Arab Peace Initative Is Proposed
The proposal offered Israli peace, as long as territories captured in the 1967 war are withdrawn. It created some peace between both sides. Finally, in 2007 Israli leaders met with representitives of the Arab League to discuss the proposal. "Why Is Israel so Afraid of the Arab Peace Initiative?" The Times of Israel. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2015. -
Israel Begins Constructing The West Bank Barrier
A fence created to seperate citicens from terrorist groups that was created by Israel. It seporated some palistineans from their homeland, work, or their study. This reduced suiside bombings from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank Sanders, Edmund. "Israel Begins Rerouting West Bank Barrier." Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 12 Feb. 2010. Web. 05 May 2015. -
The Roadmap for Peace is Proposed
The "Roadmap that involves steps to achieve on indipendent palisting and a secure Israel, but stopped when Hamas was elected. The roadmap started again when Muhammid Abbas dissolved Hamas's government. There has yet to be progress as a result of the roadmap or Annapolis Confrence. "Ken Raggio Teaches The Swelling of the Jordan." Ken Raggio Teaches The Swelling of the Jordan. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2015. -
Israli Disengages from Gaza
The Israli dissangagement was the phisical seperation of Israel from palistinean. Israelis leave the gaza strip. In turn, this resulted in a dramatic nimber of roclets fored by terrorists form Gaza into Israel. "Israeli Disengagement from Gaza." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 05 May 2015. -
Hamas is Elected
Hamas is elected. The government before him was corrupt, so the Palistineans voted for him. After he was elected he called for the distruction if Israel and the killing of Jews. His group was claimed responcible for hundreds of terrorist attacks. However, western nations said these sanctions would be lifted once Hamas recognized Israel's right to exist and accepted previous Palistinean agreements.
"People's Daily Online -- Hamas Supporters Rally after Election Win." People's Daily Online -- Hama -
The 2006 Lebanon War
Hezbola is a racial Islamist orginization committed to destroying Israel. In July 12 2006, they crossed the Lebanon Israel border and attacked an Israli army unit. Also, it began launching rocket attacks on Israeli cities and towns. These Hostilities finally ended when the UN cease fire Resolution was passed in Agust 11th.
"July War: 2006 War in Lebanon /with Filmmaker Brandon Jourdan : Indybay." July War: 2006 War in Lebanon /with Filmmaker Brandon Jourdan : Indybay. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 May 2015 -
The Battle of Gaza
There has been tention and occasional conflict between Hamas and the PLO fatah since Hamas won the Palistinean election. Then Hamas attacked fatah members throughout Gaza. Muhhamid Abbas, palistinean athority president, dissolved Hamas's government. Now, Hamas controls Gaza and the Palistinean athority controls the west bank.
"Fatah Holds First Rally in Gaza since 2007, Looks toward Unity with Hamas." : Rest of the World, News. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 May 2015. -
The Gaza War
Israel attacked Hamas targets in Gaza and attempted to stop rocket attacks on southern Israel and to disrupt terrorist infastructure and weapon smuggling. Hundreds of militants were killed. there was much civilian casualities and Gaza's buildings and economy were heavily damaged.
"Hamas Chief Khaled Meshaal: Who Is Qualified to Judge Others? - IDNES.cz." IDNES.cz. N.p., 30 May 2009. Web. 07 May 2015. -
Gaza Flotilla Incident
After Hamas seized control ofver the Palestinian authority, Israel and Egypt formed a blockade of Gaza They required all goods to be inspected before entering the Gaza to prevent Hamas from smuggling in weapons. Some groups argue that the blockades were collective punishments and is illegal -
The Arab Spring
Citezens in the Arab States began to protest against autocrative and oppressive governments Protests spread from Tunasia across the Arab world, protests have also occured in Algeria, Bahrain, Jprdan, Lybia, Moracco, Oman, Syria, Yemen, and other countries