Arab-Israeli Conflict

  • 1948 War

    1948 War
    Israel declared independence. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, & Iraq attacked Israel. Israel then gained land, Egyp gained Gaza Strip & Jordan gained West Bank & East Jerusalem. Palestinians and Jews became refugees.
  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
    Egypt blocked Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, & Iraq moved troops to Israel's borders & made threatening statements. Israel striked. Israel then West Bank & East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip, & Sinai Peninsula. Terrorism spreaded & Palestinians & Jews continued to become refugees.
  • Settlement Construction Begins

    Settlement Construction Begins
    Settlements in Sinai, Gaza Strip, & West Bank begin. These settlements act as a security. This land becomes extremely controversial. Fights over the land began & the security of the settlements was put to the test.
  • Attrition Battles

    Attrition Battles
    Israel gained land from Egypt, Jordan, & Syria. Jerusalem remained unified. Arabs became unwilling to make peace. Israel's military was attacked & and this time became known as "Black September". This caused the PLO to move to Lebanon & Israel gained more land. July 1 1967 - August 8 1970
  • The October War

    The October War
    Egypt & Syria attacked Israel on Yom Kippur, an extremely important religious holiday. Israel began to push them back. This enforced the advancement of new military techniques & greatened the need for peace. October 6 1973 - October 26 1973
  • Egypt & Israel Sign a Peace Treaty

    Egypt & Israel Sign a Peace Treaty
    Treaty was made because continuous war would harm Egypt's economy and people. Israel returned all Sinai and removed all Jewish families that were living there. This caused Egypt to gain back land.
  • Lebanon War

    Lebanon War
    The PLO attacked norther Israel, Israel then attacked the PLO in Lebanon. The PLO was expelled from Lebanon and moved to Tunisia. This caused people to fight back the PLO because they were fed up with this type of control.
  • The First Intifada

    The First Intifada
    The Gaza Strip and West Bank went against Israeli control. The weapons were provided by the PLO. Israel was not prepared for the attack. This eventually caused the Oslo Accords to be created and signed. December 9, 1987 - December 15, 1993
  • The Oslo Accords

    The Oslo Accords
    Israel and the PLO signed declaration of principles. Agreements were made for settlements, peace, and security. This caused the PLO to recognize Israel and Israel to recognize PLO. The Palestinian authority was created and Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip.
  • Israel and Jordan Sign a Peace Treaty

    Israel and Jordan Sign a Peace Treaty
    Israel and Jordan sign a peace treaty and their interactions increase. Jordan became the second Arab country to recognize Israel as independent. This caused the want for peace to spread and the trade, business, tourism, etc to increase between the 2 countries.
  • Camp David Summit

    Camp David Summit
    Bill Clinton brought Israel's prime minister & Palestinian president to camp. This was the first attempt of negotiations, however the Palestinian president refused all offers and nothing was achieved. This then caused a bigger rift between the countries since no peace was accomplished.
  • The Second Intifada

    The Second Intifada
    The Israeli general visited the Jewish Temple Mount. People claimed that this was to start a fight or attack. It started a dilemma between Israel and Palestine. This then caused the fighting to grow and spread and further barriers and blockades to be built. September 1, 2000 - ONGOING
  • Arab Peace Initiative Is Proposed

    Arab Peace Initiative Is Proposed
    A proposal of Israel peace in honor of Palestinian independence (the proposal was a major break through.) Israel accepts the proposal besides some of it's demands such as: it's withdraw to the pre-1967 borders as a precondition to negotiations.
  • Israel Begins Constructing the West Bank Barrier

    Israel Begins Constructing the West Bank Barrier
    Abarrier built to seperate it's citizens from terrorists in the West Bank; half fence half wall; some people had a problem with it because it was dividing Palestinians from their land, jobs, and a part of their daily life. This increased man labour; it cost a lot of money, it takes a lot to get to the other side. But it is potential employment.
  • The Roadmap for Peace is Proposed

    The Roadmap for Peace is Proposed
    Aplan for peace. A goal of an independent Palestinian state and a secure Israel. It's divided into 3 phases but never got past the first one. There has yet to be significant progress as a result of the Roadmap. It ended most violence froom both Israel and Palestine. Phase 1 put an end to Israeli settlement activities in Gaza Strip and the Authority to gain recognition as Palestinian government.
  • Israel Disengages from Gaza

    Israel Disengages from Gaza
    The physical seperation of Israel from Palestinian territories. Thought that Israel should withdraw from Gaza Strip. Some Israelis wouldn't mind it but some of them like living there. But they did end up moving so that the Palestinians could govern themselves. But, this was a bad move because since then, fired rockets by terrorists from Gaza into Israel has increased.
  • Hamas is Elected

    Hamas is Elected
    Palestinians elected Hamas members. Hamas called for the destruction of Israel and for the killing of Jews. The group has claimed responsibility for hundreds of Terrorist attacks.
  • The 2006 Lebanon War

    The 2006 Lebanon War
    Hezbollah- Islam organization committed to destroying Israel. Heavily supported by Iran and Syria. July 11, 2006 it crossed the Lebanon- Isreal border. Massive attacks started during this war Hezbollah used a human shield strategy by embedding it's fighters and rocket launchers in the neighborhoods. That killed many people and damaged homes. Hostilities ended with UN Cease Fire Resolution 1701 passed on August 11, 2006.
  • The Battle of Gaza

    The Battle of Gaza
    In June 2007, Hamas militants attacked Fatah members throughout Gaza. In return, Palestinian President (Mahmoud Abbas), dissolved the Hamas government. After that, who controlled who was changed.
  • The Gaza War

    The Gaza War
    Started when Israel attacked Hamas targets in Gaza; an attempt to stop rocket attacks on Southern Israel and to stop weapon smuggling, etc. Hamas' buildings were heavily damaged.
  • Gaza Flotilla Incident

    Gaza Flotilla Incident
    Israel and Egypt began a blockade of Gaza, all goods were to be inspected. Some claimed it was illegal, but it was legalized. Ships refused but then they borded the ships, killed them, and took the ships over. This led to severe detoration in the relationship between Israel and Turkey, which were allies.
  • The Arab Spring

    The Arab Spring
    Citizens in Arab began to protest against autocratic and oppressive governments, protest spread around the Arab world, starting in Tunisia, presidents started leaving countries.