war for Independence
Untied nations partition that palestine becomes an arab and jewish state. Voilence then accured and the wr began shortly after. Jewish forces declare Israeli statehood on May 14, 1948. -
Suez crisis
Isreali leaders were worried on cross-boarder attacks from Egypt. President Gamal Abdel Nasser's denial of Israel's right to exist and attempts a Western peace convince the West that Nasser is not an ally. -
six-day war
Egypt blocks Israeli ships in the Gulf of Aqaba. President Johnson tried but fails to secure peace and reopen the gulf. all neighbors start a 5 day battle and israel was victorious. -
Yom Kippur War
arab nations did not accept israeli occupations of land lost. Sadat prepares his country for war and attacks israel. 18 dayas later Egypt gains some land and suez Canal. -
Oslo Accord
Madrid and norway agreed to the declaration of principles. The accords provides withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.Arafat agrees to Israel's right to exist and Israel accepts the Palestinians' right to self-determination. Two years later, leaders meet again at the White House and sign the Interim Agreement, which allows for the next stage in Palestinian autonomy and control of some cities in the occupied zone.