

By 22arose
  • Baby is Born

    Baby is Born
  • Lifts Chin

    Lifts Chin
    Lifts chin when placed on stomach
  • Lifts Chest

    Lifts Chest
    Lifts chest well above surface when placed on stomach
  • Holds Head Steadily

    Holds Head Steadily
  • Reaching

    Baby reaches for objects but does it unsteady
  • Rolls

    Rolls from side to back and from back to side
  • Sits

    Baby can sit alone for a brief amount of time
  • Using Hands

    Using Hands
    Uses hands to reach, grasp, crumble, bang, and splash
  • Turns Over

    Turns Over
    Turns completely over when laid on back or stomach
  • Sits Up

    Sits Up
    Baby can sit up steadily on its own
  • Eats with fingers

    Eats with fingers
  • Stands

    Stands holding on to furniture or other supports
  • Walks

    Baby can walk if they're being led.
  • Uses Cup

    Uses Cup
    Holds and drinks from a cup.