Series of Events of Rome and Umayyad

  • 509 BCE

    Beginnings of the Roman Republic

    Beginnings of the Roman Republic
    Started as a local monarchy in central Italy around 800 B.C.E. Roman aristocrats succeeded in driving out the monarchy in 509 B.C.E and established more elaborate political institutions for their city-state.
  • 264 BCE

    Punic Wars

    Punic Wars
    Fought between Rome and Carthage to establish dominance in the western Mediterranean. Spread the Roman Empire.
  • 49 BCE

    Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar
    Julius Caesar becomes dictator in Rome; assassinated in 44
  • 27 BCE

    Augustus Caesar

    Augustus Caesar
    Augustus Caesar seizes power; rise of Roman Empire
  • 63

    Forced Dissolution of Independent Jewish State by Romans

    Forced Dissolution of Independent Jewish State by Romans
  • 101

    Greatest Spread of Roman Territory

    Greatest Spread of Roman Territory
  • 180

    Death of Marcus Aurelius

    Death of Marcus Aurelius
    Beginning of decline of Roman Empire
  • 476

    Fall of Rome

    Fall of Rome
  • 570

    Birth of Prophet Muhammad

  • 633

    Ridda Wars

    wars that followed Muhamad's death in 632; resulted in defeat of rival prophets and some of larger clans; restored unity of Islam
  • 657

    Battle of Siffin

    Battle of Siffin
    Fought between forces of Ali and Umayyads; settle by negotiation that led to fragmentation of Ali's party
  • 750

    Battle of the River Zab

    Victory of the Abbasids over the Umayyads; resulted in the conquest of Syria and the capture of the Umayyad capital.