APUSH Women's Rights

  • Women Lose Their Voting Rights

    In 1777, every state passed a law that prohibited women from being able to vote.
  • Oberlin College Becomes Co-Ed

    Oberlin College in Ohio became the first college in the United States to accept both women and African-Americans.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    The Seneca Falls Convention was the first women's rights convention in American history.
  • Married Women's Property Act

    This New York law gave women economic independence, even if they were married, which was unusual for the time.
  • First Female Presidential Nominee

    In 1872, Victoria Woodhull became the first women to run for U.S. President.
  • First State to Allow Female Voting

    In 1890, Wyoming became the first state to allow women to vote in their state elections.
  • Economic Indepedence

    In 1900, every state had a law similar to New York's, giving married women economic independence.
  • The Birth of Planned Parenthood

    In 1918, Margaret Sanger wins a case in New York allowing doctors to advise birth control to their patients.
  • Universal Sufferage

    In 1920, all women were given the right to vote nationally and statewide.
  • First Female Senator

    In 1932, Hallie Wyatt Caraway of Arkansas became the first female U.S. Senator.