William Lyod Garrison publishes The Liberator
The Liberator is published and causes major controversy, states even pay people to find the publishers in order to arrest them. -
Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion
Nat Turner leads a slave revolt in Southampton, VIrginia, where the most people are killed in a single rebellion. -
American Anti Slavery Society Founded in Boston
Also founder of "The Liberator" William Lloyd Garrison founds this pro-abolition group that is met with violence and harassment. -
Sarah Grimke writes "Lettersont he Equality of the Sexes and the Condition of Women"
Sarah Grimke writes in response to Catherine Breecher, calling her out on why she was wrong. -
Henry Highland Garnet gives the Address to the Slaves of the United States
At a public anti slavery event, Garnet calls for acvive slave rebleiions in order to abolish slavery. -
Frederick Douglas publishes the first issue of The North Star
This is the most infuencial anti-slavery paper ever published. -
Women's Right's Conventions at Seneca Falls
The Convention at Seneca Falls was the first recorded women's right convention, -
Harriet Tubman Escapes Slavery
Harriet Tubman escapes slavery to Philledelphia and decides to go back to run the Underground Railroad; freeing hundreds of slaves. -
Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 is Passed
An act is passed that harshens fines and charges on those aiding runaway slaves, or officials for not aresting a slave. -
"Ain't I A Woman" Speech
Soujouner Truth speaks at a women's convention in Ohio, and the speech becomes a historical -
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" is Published
Harriet Breecher Stowe publishes an anti-slavery themes book about "Uncle Tom", a black slave who has many stories to tell about his life. Begins common black sterotypes. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act Passed
This act replaces teh Missouri Compromise and makes these states, regardng slavery, decide with "ppular sovergnity"; resulting in Bleeding Kansas. -
Republican Party is Founded
The Whig Party meet, disbands, but then rebands as the Republican Party. Donald Trump would not be this kind of Republican. -
"Bleeding Kansas"
A war between "Free Staters" and "Border Ruffians" in Kansas before the Civil war. -
Charles Sumner Beating
A member of the House enters the Senate and beats representative Charles Sumner over his adress to Congress over Kansas. -
Dred Scott Descision
The US Supereme COurt rules that Afican Americans, regardless if they are free or not, are not citizens and cannot sue in court. -
Lecompton Conitutuion Rejected
The second consitution drafted for the Kansas Territory, written by proslavery supporters. -
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Lincoln and Douglas debate for the spot to represent Ilinois in the Presidential election, where slavery is the main topic discussed. -
John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry
A white abolitionist tries to sart an armed slave revolt by raiding an armory. -
Election of 1860
Abraham Lincoln wins the election and the civil war begins.