APUSH Unit 2 Timeline

  • The 13 Colonies

    The first colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. The colony was sponsored by the Virginia Company of London, a group of investors who hoped to profit from the venture. The company wanted to find a northwest passage to the Orient and convert the Indians to the Anglicanism.
  • Culture

    Colonists came from many different countries to create new lives. The people spoke different languages, followed different religions, and had different customs and traditions. Some even assimilated the traditions of Native Americans into their lives. But the culture of England continued to prevail in the colonies for some time.
  • Relationship With England

    Jamestown was the first colony in America, established in honor of King James I of England. Relationships were friendly because America depended on England for economic success and England protected America from other nations.
  • Colonial Society

    The colony of Virginia was the first colony established and was founded by John Smith. A group of wealthy London businessmen petitioned King James I settled there and established the Virginia Company. The Virginia Colony's economy relied heavily on the mass production of tobacco.
  • Period: to

    Unit 2 Events

  • Colonial Society

    The Pilgrims came to America to avoid the persecutions they faced in Europe. In England, you were persecuted if you were not Anglican. As a result, the Pilgrims came to Plymouth in Massachusetts.
  • Colonial Society

    The Province of New Hampshire was given to Captain John Mason and Sir Ferdinando Gorges. The colonists made their living fishing, whaling, shipbuilding and shipping. The economy of other parts of Colonial New Hampshire was based on timber products, the fur trade, maple syrup, copper, livestock products, horses, rum, whiskey and beer.
  • Colonial Society

    The colony of Maryland was a haven for Roman Catholics persecuted in England. Maryland's economy was based on one crop, tobacco. Not only slaves but also indentured servants worked the fields, and when they earned their freedom, they too secured plots of land and grew tobacco for the European market.
  • Colonial Society

    Roger Williams founded Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations and called it a land of religious freedom. The economy was based on agriculture, mining, forestry, and fishing making only small contributions. The state's leading manufactured products were jewelry, silverware, machinery, primary metals, textiles, and rubber products.
  • Colonial Society

    The Connecticut colony was founded by Puritans to escape persecution. The economy began with subsistence farming and later focused on production for distant markets. There was also a shift from grain to animal products.
  • Colonial Society

    In 1663, King Charles II rewarded eight of his most loyal supporters by making them "lords proprietors" of North Carolina. The economy was primarily agriculture, especially tobacco. Farming and industry in the state were built around the crop.
  • Colonial Society

    In 1663, King Charles II rewarded eight of his most loyal supporters by making them "lords proprietors" of South Carolina. South Carolina became one of the wealthiest early colonies largely due to exports of cotton, rice, tobacco, and indigo dye.
  • Colonial Society

    Major religious groups in the Delaware Colony included Quakers, Catholics, Jews, and Lutherans. There was no dominating religion like in the New England Colonies and religious tolerance made the area attractive to those who were not purists. The fertile land of Delaware made agriculture profitable and farms produced grain, rice, and indigo. The forests in the colony supported a thriving lumber industry.
  • Colonial Society

    The Dutch lived in the colony of New York before it was taken by England. Colonists made their living in a variety of ways: fur, lumber trading, shipping, the slave trade, and as merchants and tradesman in the colony's towns. Most colonists were farmers, who cleared large acres of land by hand to grow crops. Corn was the most popular
  • Colonial Society

    The Dutch, Swedes, and Finns were the first European settlers in New Jersey. In 1664 the Dutch lost New Netherlands when the British took control of the land and added it to their colonies. The economy was based on agriculture and trading. The colonists would trade fur, tar, pitch, wood products and horses.
  • Colonial Society

    Some of the first settlers in the colony of Pennsylvania were Welsh Quakers looking for a place where they could practice their religion without persecution. Throughout the early 1700s more people from Europe immigrated to Pennsylvania. The economy of the Pennsylvania Colony revolved around wheat, grain, and agriculture. They were called one of the "Breadbasket Colonies."
  • Political Ideology

    Participation in local courts was very high in the colonies. Americans sued each other at very high rates, with rulings made by local judges and juries instead of a great lord. This promoted the expansion of legal profession, and the involvement of lawyers in politics became a part of the American political system. Each colony had a charter between the colony and the king of England or Parliament.
  • Colonial Society

    James Oglethorpe and a few other Brits settled the colony of Georgia as a buffer colony between the English in the Carolinas and the Spanish in Florida. The economy in Colonial Georgia was mainly based off of plantations which grew indigo, rice, and sugar