Plessy v. Ferguson
Plessy, a mixed man of color and caucasian, was jailed for sitting in the white car on the E. Louisiana Railroad. Although he was of mixed race he was so fair he without any problems passed for a white man, yet was stilled jail for being a black man in the white man's place. The Supreme Court upheld segregation saying "separate but equal", it gave the white community cause to exclude the black ocmmunity even more. -
Brown v. Board of Education
A black child was denied access to a white school in Kansas.Their lawyer Brown claimed the education was not equal and although his claim denied The Supreme Court decided that racial segregation in schools violated the 14th amendment and therefore schools need t integrate. This case was the foundation for future court cases and rights for black americans. -
Murder of Emmett Till
Emmett Till went to the store with his cousin and a white woman named Carolyn Bryant claimed Till whistled wolf whistled at her. Bryants brother and Brother-in-Law kidnapped and brutally murdered till, he was 11 years old. This is incident cause mass fustration and anger towards the justice system and the segregation system. -
Rosa Parks & Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white person and was arrested; Following this incident civil rights supporters refused to ride the buses in Montgomery, Alabama severely crippling their income resulting in bus integration. This was one of the first incident to get balck people rights. http://kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu/encyclopedia/encyclopedia/enc_montgomery_bus_boycott_1955_1956/ -
Founding SCLC & MLK
Was founded in Alabama during the time of boycotts and peaceful protest. They organised several peaceful protest yet they weren't very influential while King was still aliving but led JFK to pass the civil right act in 1965. -
Little Rock Nine & Central High School
9 African Americans were to be enrolled into a white school, Central High School, yet they were met with protesters and the National Guard. The President told the governor that if he didn't allow the children inside he would send the Military; thus the students were enrolled although the curriculum was harder and unfair so only 3 graduated. This showed how serious the government was about intergration and upholding the law. -
Greensboro Sit-in
6 afro-american students sat in the white section of a lunch coutner as a form of peaceful protest. The students were met with racial slurs, violance, and in the end were arrested. This pushed Malcolm X's movement for self-defence and MLK's movement for non-violence. -
SNCC & Freedom Summer
Freedom Ride & Freedom Riders
The ride itseld lasted about 6 months and it was more than 400 whites and blacks.They were often imprisonedd, beaten and their buses burned and their beliefs tested. These rides were dangerous bc they violated the jom crow laws but also proved blacks and whites could intergrate. -
March on Washington
One of the biggest demonstration of humans rights in american history; the march itself contained 250,000 people in the nations capital. The speech MLK gave here, became extremely popular and promoted peaceful protest as well as gained him a meeting with the other march leaders and JFK. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
This Act forbade the discrimination of sex and race in hiring, promotion, and firing. This act provided equality in the workforce for all races. This Act was one of the first advancements in Afro-American history. -
Assasination of Malcolm X
Malcolm X, civil rights activist, was well known and highly influential fro his beliefs of self-defense, violence if necessary and promoting black right. X was murdered, death by gun, during his own speecch in Harlem for the The Organization of Affro-Ammerican Unity. His death gave way for more violence during the civil rights movement. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Prohibited racial discrimination for voting as well as enfforced the 15th amendment. Making it llegal to prevent blacks from voting and banned literacy tests to keep them from voting. This gave black people the oppurtuity to vote for representation in tthe government. -
Assasination of MLK
MLK was shot fatally outside his room, on his balcony, at the Lorraine MOtel in Memphis, Tennesse. His mmurdered admited to the crime and was found quilty. His death pushed his followers harrder for the abolishment of segregation even through their mourning and devastation.