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APUSH Timeline Project

  • Apr 4, 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    Period One 1491-1607 The Columbian Exhange of 1492 is the beginning of the exchange in biological and cultural beliefs or ideals from the European world too the new world Christopher Columbus found in 1942. During the exchange process Europeans wanted too bring their cutural diffrenrences too the new world along with various plants, herbs, and foods and they believed the Natives would do the same in return. This is important because it creates the first cultural diffusion contacts.
  • Mar 15, 1493

    Columbus Reports

    Columbus Reports
    The Columbus Reports holds an important role in history and turning point due to the fact that when Columbus arrived back too spain from the new world he had founded and exporled for five months, he wrote a letter too
    King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, whom had funded his journey. Then he wrote about his voyage he included the natives saying they were weak and fragile, along with stating the recourses and land he found when exploring. When noted it expanded awareness to settle in the new world.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    The importance of this document was too settle and defuse the conflicts between major countries like Spain & Portugal. This served as a major argument conflict between the two nations enforcing a 370 line that divided Portugal from trying to settle in North America. This importance pushed out Portugal and enforced Spanish settlers too move too the new world in certain parts of land. They would then be met with English Settlers from Great Britain and battle for who can settle in certain areas.
  • Period: Jan 10, 1500 to

    Works Cited

    Apush. Notes. 15 March 2011. http://www.apnotes.net/notes-16e/ch23-16e.html. Notes, Review. Periods 1-6. 18 January 2014. http://www.apushreview.com/new-ap-curriculum/final-exam-review/. Productions, Jocz. Youtube. 1 December 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnK_oUGzWBQ. Richey, Tom. Tom RIchy APUSH. 21 March 2016. http://www.tomrichey.net/apush-review.html. Toast. Timeline. 23 April 2017. https://www.timetoast.com/.
  • Period: May 2, 1500 to

    Read this please

    I tried my best to fit basic information in these little slides. Keep in mind i only have a character limit of 500 letters per slide. Thank you hope you like the final project!
  • James Town

    James Town
    Period 2 1607-1754
    JamesTown was the 1st prominent English colonies that was established in the New-World by the Chesapeake bay area. The importance, and motives of this establishment was the amount of weath that could be made from agricultural products, one of the main sources of weath was the growth of tobacco.
    The growth of tabacco was the cash crop of the colony. It served as a turning point in the ways it influenced more settlers too move too the new world too make more money and find land.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    As the colonies in the Chesapeake bay began to develop more and more they established the House of Burgesses. Established in 1619 this was the first offical form of government in legislative form, its the first representative government which would be the 1st establishment that would lead up too the democracy of future government. It also established a role of self rule for the colonies, however it was represented by wealthy class plantation owners which would lead to unfair representation.
  • Great Awakening

    Great Awakening
    The ideal of the great awakening was religous revival in the American colonies, it was a rapid growing movement lead by evangelical leaders. The leaders were Joah Edwards, and Gilbert Tennent, these leaders would preach around the colonies and give speeches that would cause the audience too become guilty of themselves than they would look for Christ for salvation.The Great Awakening made religion intensely personal to the average person. The importance in history was the massive religous growth
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Period 3 1754-1800 The Declaration is purposed as one of the most important events and documents that happened during period 3. When the declaration of independence was purposed its intentions and goal were to justify the reasons the 13 colonies wanted independence this included why they didnt like King George for being a tyrant. Along with this they declared unalienable, natural rights, in addition with power to the people and to live a democracy government. This would set up for future govs.
  • The Constitution

    The Constitution
    The creation of the construction was a revise (stonger) of the weak Articles of confederation, the reasons for this was because the nations government was to weak to ask for taxes and the economy was at a low point along with weak laws. The Constitution sets a democracy government based on popular sovereignty, sets up a division between state and federal governments and established the three branches of federal government. All of these lead up to the use of government we use today in democracy.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    With the ratification of the constitution, came along the bill of rights that the anti-federalist purposed. The creation of the first 10 amendments in the constitution were intended to protect the natural unalienable rights from the federal government that they could not take away. Some of these included, freedom of choice religon etc, no illegal searches, trial by jury etc... Much like the declaration and constitution it will shape the future of the democracy government we have today.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was a $15 million dollar purchase by Thomas Jefferson, that created imperialistic views for the United States because it expanded the United States by half its size. The land belonged initially to French tyrant Napoleon, whom needed the money for his war efforts. With the purchase of the land it created more jobs for independent farmers and would lead to the westward expansion movement also known as Manifest destiny in the later years of American history.
  • Missouri Compromise 36/30

    Missouri Compromise 36/30
    Missouri joined the US in 1820 there was a total of 22 states in the nation 11 for slavery and 11 for non slavery. The states didn't want an uneven amount of for or against slavery, which Missouri joined as a slave state. There was the compromise of future slavery and non slavery states, in addition to this it created the 36/30 parell line, which created southern states for slavery and northern against. The importance of this was a rising tention in US history & showed separation in the nation
  • Trail Of Tears

    Trail Of Tears
    The trail of tears during the Jacksonian era signifies and highlights the most barbaric attempt by the Americans to remove Native Americans in order to expand their nation. During this event between 1838 and 1839, 15,000 Cherokees were taken from their once native lands in Georgia and placed on a forced removal policy and move to reservations in Oklahoma, along with this there were about 4,000 of the natives killed due to conditions. The importance shows that whites would hurt others to expand W
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    Period 5
    The belief that it was Americas destiny to conquer the continent from east to westward and that God wanted the Americans to expand as a right was known as Manifest destiny. There was a level of white superiority during the event the belief was that the whites were elegant and they needed to teach and spread their lives to native 'barbarics' since they were often uncivil. The importance is the imperialistic view and constant growth of the nation, downfall is slavery opinions.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil War, the conflict that officially divided the nation both sides having different names like 'The South', 'The North'. The main issue that was being fought during the war was the view of slavery and whether its legal or not. The Civil war is probably one of the most important events in American history because it shows the division between millions, one of the most graphic American wars ever, and finally destroys a nations pride. It was also a four year battle were the North won the war
  • 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments

    13th, 14th, 15th Amendments
    With the end of the Civil War came the period of reconstruction of the broken nation and a handful of new important changing amendments arrive with it.
    13th- The 13th amendment finally abolishes slavery in all of the United states slavery, note this was the dramatic
    14th- Declared all people born in the United States are United States citizens and grants equal protection for everyone
    15th- Universal Male Suffrage, granted the right to vote nomatter your race or colour of skin
  • Panic of 1873

    Panic of 1873
    Period 6 1865-1898
    The panic of 1873 first global depression brought about by industrial capitalism and major economic collapse the nation faced and it halted the reconstruction period that was going on. The causes of the collapse were an important wake up and realization to the industries that were over producing products, along with bankers over speculating and handing out too many loans to people. The affects would lead to a 6 year depression, and would create many important reforms years aft
  • Hull House Establishment

    Hull House Establishment
    The establishment of the Hull house by Jane Addams in Chicago, played a important role in helping the new immigrants assimilate to american cultures. It was one of the 1st major social reforms in the nation, it provided social and educational opportunities for the lower-mid tier class and new immigrants. Often the new immigrants knew nothing about US economics, poor, and illiterate, however with the help of Hull house it would provide them with the education they needed to live a civil US life.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust act

    Sherman Anti-Trust act
    The Sherman Anti trust act was the first step into breaking up unfair ruling monopolies in the United States. Importance of this act was the government was starting to move away from their Lazzie-Faire policy which they once had. With the act in place the federal government would regulate monopolies and other organizations generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers. The act also prohibited any contract,or trust in restraint of interstate or foreign trade.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    Period 7 1890-1945
    The great depression was the worst economic panics in global history that occurred in the United States and the most important event due to the fact that it wrecked havoc on the economies and civil things like jobs and houses. The start of the depression caused a rate of 25% unemployment, thousands of banks failed, over speculation of the stock market, and foreclosure of houses and farms. This was also caused by overproduction and bank loan failures. A 10 year depression
  • New Deal

    New Deal
    The main goals of the New Deal can be expressed in three words: Relief, Recovery, and Reform to lighten the weight of the devastation due to the great depression. The new deal was established under democratic president FDR. Under the new deal FDR reliefed banks by establishing the emergency banking relief act, glasss-segal act, and the FDIC. He also gave reform by creating the WPA to give jobs too the unemployed and this was the start of the government regulating the economy for the first time.
  • Period: to

    Periods 1-9

  • Atom Bomb

    Atom Bomb
    The creation of the atomic bomb during the Manhattan project, and the use of it in WW2 against japan when it drop on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, established it self as the most devastating weapon that the would had even seen in War use. Why we dropped it was due to the fact that Truman believed a land invasion would cause major loss for Americans so they developed the atom bomb which would spark a mass creation of Nuclear weapons in the cold war era.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    period 8 1945-1980
    The Cold War was a state of geopolitical tension after World War II that mainly involved the Soviet Union and the United States. It was the communist ideology vs the capitalism beliefs. During these tensions it lead to an increase in nuclear weapons too assert their dominance in case of war, a space race, and espionage among both countries. Through out the years it would case the 2nd red scare, the Cuban missile crisis, and endangered millions to massive nuclear weapons.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam war was the 2nd war on communism and the US wanted to keep their policy of containment in Asia, due to the belief of the Domino effect which meant if one country falls to communism another with and another. It was a largely unpopular war due to it ending in a stalemate, large amounts of American deaths, government distrust,and 1st live broadcasted war that was shown live in the news. Government officials wold say it was almost over but they would lie to the civilians causing distrust
  • Water Gate Scandal

    Water Gate Scandal
    June 1972 men working for Nixons reelection were caught breaking into Democratic HQ in Washington. Nixons people also established wiretaps in the office too discredit their opponents in debates and election. Investigations reveled Nixon did participate in actions trying to cover up the activities and he secretly recorded convos in the office, this would lead too him reassigning. This most important because the people lost more trust in their federal government which had also been caused by nam
  • Ending of Cold War and affects

    Ending of Cold War and affects
    After ages and years of Cold War tensions in 1991 it finally came to an end under President Ronald Regan. preludes to this event were in 1887 when the US and Soviets came to agreements with arms productions with the INF treaty. Other causes of the end of the cold war were political and social changes in Eastern euro and the Soviet Union and the United States widening the military gap spending so they couldn't outspend them. This created the fall of communism in russia and the Berlin wall.
  • Affordable Care Act

    Affordable Care Act
    One of the most conflicted topics dating from 2010-present is the creation of the ACA which established most U.S. citizens and legal residents to have health insurance. Several pros would be it eliminates lifetime and annual coverage limits, the middle class receives tax premiums and businesses with more than 50 employees must offer health insurance. Cons would be taxed those who didn't purchase insurance, penalty tax, and high taxes on the higher class. Importance because it leads up to today
  • Killing of Osama

    Killing of Osama
    The killing of the terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden might go down as one of President Obamas best achievements simply because bin laden was most known for the infamous attacks on 9/11 killings hundreds and endangering many. With the cause of bin ladens attacks on 9/11 it began operations in the middle east on the fight on terriorism and radical groups. The death of bin laden didnt end the war on terror or alter the foreign policy but weakened the radical groups and gave hope to the US citizens