APUSH Timeline

  • Jun 7, 1492

    The Treaty of Tordesillas was signed

    This treaty divided the new conquered land between Spain and Portugal. There was line in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean that showed what side belonged to each country.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus arrived in America

    Christopher Columbus arriving in America was the stepping stone for the colonization of North America. Because of this event the United States was created.
  • Jamestown was established

    Jamestown was established
    Jamestown was the first colony to be established in America. If the people didnt survive in Jamestown then colonization from Europe would have been over.
  • The first thanksgiving

    The first thanksgiving
    The first thanksgiving happened in Plymouth, Massachusetts by the pilgrims. Later on, Abe Lincoln made this an official holiday.
  • Pequot War

    The pequot tribe and the english settlers of Massachusetts fought in an armed conflict. The pequots were defeated and they signed the Treaty of Hartford.
  • The halfway covenant

    The halfway covenant
    The saints were dying out. The church allowed baptized children of adults who were saints to be able to join the church.
  • Bacon's rebellion

    This was a rebellion lead by Nathaniel Bacon himself against the govenor, William Berkley. This was the first rebellion in the American colonies.
  • Pueblo Revolt

    The revolt happened in New Mexico. The indians revolted against the Spanish colonizers in New Mexico.
  • The Great Awakening

    This was a revival of the religion in America. This event created many new religions to be formed.
  • The Zenger Trial

    This is a landmark case that lead to freedom of the press. John Zenger wrote bad things about a govenor and published it in the New York newspaper.
  • The seven years' war

    This was fight betweent the colonists and the indians and French. William Pitt was a popular hero in this war and was a symbol of unity.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris ended the Seven years' war. France gave up all it's land to BrItain.
  • Pontaic's Rebellion

    A group of native american tribes did not like the post war policies. They fear harrasment and abduction so they sacked british forts.
  • The sugar act

    This act was put in place to help offset the debt from the Seven years' war. They made sure that colonists could only export to certain goods to certain foreign countries if they went to Britain first.
  • The stamp act

    This act was also put in place to help with the debt of Britain was in. Also made colonists purchase special stamped paper.
  • The declaratory act

    Rockingham took over as prime minister and revoked the stamp act. This act affirmed parliamentary power to legislate for the colonies.
  • The Townshend Revenue Act

    This act taxed imports to the colonies from Britain. The revenue act threatened to tip the balance of constitutional power away from elected colonial representattives and toward nonelected royal officials.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    This happened in response to the tea act and it hurt Boston the most because they manufacture a lot of tea. Men disguised themselves as mohawk indians and dumped tea into Boston harbor.
  • The intolerable acts

    Also known as the corecive acts. These acts ordered the navy to close the boston harbor until the council came up with the money for the ruined tea. These acts also revoked the Massachussetts chartered and restructured the government.
  • The declaration of independence was signed

    The declaration of independence was signed
    This is a very significant day and is still being celebrated today. This document broke America off from Britain.
  • The ending of the revolutionary war

    The battle of saratoga was a major turning point in this war because it showed that america can hold itself a major world power. The french came into war to help aid the colonists.
  • The Peace of Paris

    The Peace of Paris
    The peace of paris was a treaty signed after the revolutionary war. This set the border for the United States at the Mississippi river.
  • Shay's rebellion

    Daniel Shay led 2,000 men to shut down 3 courts because of the depression in New England. They won control of the legislature which cut some taxes.
  • The Whiskey rebellion

    Hamiliton put a tax on whiskey to help with war debts. Angry men burned down the chief of revenue officers house.