APUSH Timeline 1

  • Oct 8, 1100

    Height of Mississippi Culture in America

    During this time there would have been as many as 40,000 people living within this society.
  • Jan 1, 1491

    Ancestors of Native Americans cross the Bering Strait

    Actually year is 35,000 B.C. It wouldn't let me type that in.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Colombus lands in Bahamas

    He sought a trade route to India via the Atlantic Ocean. Little did he know there was a large landmass in his way: the Americas.
  • Sir Walter Raliegh founds Roanoke

  • Edict of Nantes passed

  • Champlain colonizes Quebes

  • John Rolfe perfects tobacco cultivation

    October 8th isn't real, but they require a month and day and as one cannot point out the specific day of perfection, I did not change them.
  • First African Slave arrive in Jamestown

  • Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock

  • Roger Williams convicted of heresy and founds Rhode Island

  • Fundamental Orders Drafted

  • New England Confederation formed

  • Barbados Slave Code adopted

  • Half-Way convenant founded

    This covenant allowed non "select" members of the church to become the "select" more easily. It further blurred the lines between those special few and the common church members.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

  • Pope's Rebellion

  • Dominion of New England created

  • Period: to

    King William's War

  • Period: to

    Salem Witch Trials

    This event was sparked by interreligious tension. It started with young girls accusing people of bewitching them and turned into a full scale finger pointing war. The pastor eventually ended it when his own wife was accused.
  • Period: to

    Queen Anne's War

  • Period: to

    Jonathon Edwards begins Great Awakening

  • Zenger Free Press trial

    August is the month, but the day was not specified anywhere.
  • Period: to

    War of Jenkin's Ear

  • Period: to

    King George's War

  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    This war was the colonists and British against the French and Indians. The costs of this war would later push Parliament to enact taxes that sparked the revolution.
  • Proclamation of 1763

  • Paxton Boys march on Philadelphia

  • Sugar Act passed

  • Stamps Act Congress convenes

    This body of colonists was meant to deal with the oppressive stamp act. It sought a way to make peace with the British country, yet have the taxes repealed as well.
  • Townshend Acts passed

  • Townshend Acts passed

  • Treaty of Fort Stanwix

  • Boston Massacre

    About fifity colonists, or so, acted aggressively towards British soldiers in downtown Boston. The soldiers fired shots, killing five people. However, propaganda was spread to make it seem more violent than it was.
  • Boston Tea Party

    This act of rebellion signified the colonist distaste for any taxes, direct or indirect. It also demonstrated their dislike of British enforced monopolies.
  • First Continental Congress meets

  • Intolerable Acts passed

    These were a series of laws passed to punish the colonies, specifically the people in Boston, for the Boston Tea Party.
  • Battle of Lexington

  • Battle of Concord

  • Second Continental Congress meets

  • Battle of Bunker Hill

  • Quakers found first antislavery society

  • Declaration of Independence

    This document not only stated our dissatisfaction with the king but also that when a people found such dissatisfaction, it was their responsibility to change their government.
  • Battle of Saratoga

  • Article of Confederation adopted

    The articles joined the states together in one mutual bond. However, it made the central government too weak and would eventually by replaced with the Constitution.
  • Peace of Paris

  • Treaty of Paris

  • Land Ordinance of 1785

  • Period: to

    Shay's Rebellion

  • Period: to

    Constitutional Convention

  • Ratification of Constitution

    After the Article of the Confederation failed to unite the colonies enough, they were replaces by the stronger Constitution. It only needed to be ratified by nine of the thirteen states.
  • Northwest Ordinance

  • Period: to

    Judiciary Act of 1789

    This act is still in use, but making it "to present" is impossible and would blow up my timeline.
  • Federalist Party formed

  • Democratic-Republican Party formed

  • Bill of Rights adopted

    Many colonists did not favor a constitution without a section protecting their personal rights. Thus, the Federalists promised a Bill of Rights soon after ratification.
  • Neutrality Proclamation

    This proclamation was made by Washington when he was president as a way of staying out of the war between France and Great Britain.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    This rebellion was done by farmser/distillers in the western part of the U.S. they disliked the excise tax on their whiskey, so they rebelled.
  • XYZ Affair

  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    These laws were meant to silence opposion to the Federalist party, but they clearly went against first amendment rights. They would later be repealed once Jefferson won the presidency.
  • Judiciary Act of 1801

  • Marbury vs. Madison

  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    These two men were sent out by Jefferson to explore Americans new land: the Louisiana Purchase.
  • Embargo Act passed

  • Non-Intercourse Acts passed

  • Battle of Tippacanoe

  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend