APUSH Review- Maddy Watson

  • Period: 1491 to

    Period 1/2

    Native America, European exploration, Colonization
  • 1565

    St. Augustine

    First settlement in the New world, forts were built to protect from caribbean, Mexico, and South America.
  • Don Jaun De Onates Explorations

    Don Jaun De Onate explored todays New Mexico and western areas of the new world. He discovered Pueblo people and was the first to tell native their land could be claimed.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was the first successful English Colony in the future U.S, settled in Virginia.
  • First Slaves Introduced to Colonies

    The first slaves brought to Virginia by the Dutch, this made the switch from Indentured servants to slaves. This also helped begin large scale plantations and was eventually added to Virginia Law in the 1640s.
  • Plymouth

    The first Settlement created in Massachusetts by seperatists who sought to create a religiously pure society.
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

  • Massachusetts School Laws

    Marked the start of public schools in the colonies and started to give more to the less wealthy.
  • Bacons Rebellion

    Natives attacking back country, so back country natives under Bacons lead burn't Jamestown, and the government realized they must aid the country too.
  • Start of First Great Awakening

    A religious revival based heavily on emotion that travelled through the colonies, which undermined traditional authority of New England. Leaders include
  • French and Indian War Begins

    The French and Indian War began in the colonies when French Settlers encroached on land claimed by the British.
  • End of Salutary Neglect

    The British started paying attention to the colonies again once they were finished with wars, using the colonies for profit.
  • Proclamation Act

    The act by King George III delcared that the colonists could not move west of the Appalachian Mountains.
  • Period: to

    Period 3

    American Revolution, Confederal Era, and the Early Federal Period.
  • Currency Act of 1764

    Declared the colonies could not print currency and that all taxes had to be paid in specie.
  • Boston Massacre

    Colonists surrounded soliders in Boston Square and shots from soliders errupted, killing 5 people.
  • Tea Act

    A tax on Tea that was collected by the British and protested heavily by the colonists, most notibly in the Boston Tea Party.
  • First Continental Congress

    Delegates from colonies met to address the acts put on them by Britain and to create an embargo against them
  • Second Continental Congress

    Delegates from each colony meet again in Philadelphia to address the issues with Britain. They delcare George Washington in charge or army and authorize invasion of Canada.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Congress began to say they had the right to fight but parliament refused, this led initiated the start of the Revolutionary war.
  • Ratification of Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of Confederation were the first ratified form of federal legislation, it gave the federal government low power, and was full of issues and problems for the country.
  • Yorktown

    George Washington closed in on Corn Wallace and the British surrendered, marking the end of the war.
  • Shays Rebellion

    A farmer from Massachusetts names Daniel Shay led a small revolt against the Articles, this even helped contribute to revision of the Articles.
  • Constitution Ratification

    Ratified at the Constitutional convention to replace the Articles. The constitution gave the federal government more power, but also equal state rights.
  • Bill of Rights Ratified

    The Bill of Rights was added by anti-federalists and it was put into place to protect Americans rights, because it was felt to not be as protected in constitution.
  • Proclamation of Neutraility

    The US declared proclamation once France called war on Britain, the US just wanted to trade and remain nuetral with both sides.
  • Jays Treaty

    Forced British soliders to leave the Northern forts and the US agreed to pay all debts to Britain.
  • Period: to

    Period 4 pt 1

    westward Exspansion, Solidarity, and beginning of reforms.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Thomas Jefferson purchased the teritory of Louisiana from France. This purchase helps start westward exspansion but tested Jeffersons power in office.
  • Embargo of 1807

    Passed by Thomas Jefferson and cut off american trade to create more isolationism, this led Jefferson to loose credibility.
  • War of 1812 Begins

    The war had begun due to Britiain violating nuetraility agreements, impressment, and orders that all European trade goes through Britain. Macons Bill #2 also helped contribute, by blocking trade with Britain and opening with France.
  • Hartford Convention

    A gathering of Federalists meeting to try to limit congresses ability to start war, create embargos, and admit states, but helped lead to end of federalists party.
  • Commercial Convention

    Reopened trade between US and Britain/terrotories following the War of 1812.
  • Era of Good Feelings

    Led to an increase of national pride and different issues with Florida and territory.
  • Clays American System

    Henry Clay created protective Tariff and also the second bank of US which favored the wealthy and industry, which made the south upset.
  • Adam Onis Treaty

    US bought Florida for 5 Million dollar, Spain gave up Oregon Claim, amd the Louisiana boundary was clearly defined.
  • Panic of 1819

    Began due to overspeculationn of westward migration and people not being able to afford land they were buying. Land law of 1820 was created after to delcare no buying land on credit.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Initiated when Missouri requested statehood. It was decided that Missouri comes in as slave state and Maine becomes free, which created the 36'30 degree line.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Guides foreign policy through 1800s, called for no new European colonialization in the west, US stays out of Europes Business, and puts US on world stepping stage.
  • Period: to

    Period 4 Pt 2

    War, Reform Movements, and Build up to Civil War
  • Election of 1828

    Andrew Jackson won election with 178 electoral votes. Jackson really began the vouch for the common man and gained popularity.
  • Second Great Awakening

    (1790s-1850s) Began in upstate New York and talked about ideas of Unitarianism and utopian societies. This went with the idea of the common man, emotional experiences, the arts , and different religious uprisings.
  • Indian Removal Act

    A decision made by Jackson that moved Native Americans west of the Mississippi over 2,000 miles, and many died.
  • Tariff of 1832

    This tariff passed by congress to create a tax on all foreign goods to raise sale sof US products and to help protect manufacturers in the north.
  • Worcestor V. Georgia

    Georgia was trying to impose on Native American land and it was looked at as unconstitutional. This concluded that the federal/state governments could not impose on Native land.
  • Force Act

    Implemented by the government to let the military be able to enforce federal laws.
  • Prigg V. PA

    This case addressed the fugitive slave law and said that Northern officials don't have to comply with the law.
  • Common Wealth V. Hunt

    This case was about Labor Unions and if they should be legal; the final desicion was that they are legal.
  • Period: to

    Period 5

    Slavery, Civil War, and Nativism
  • Annexation of Texas/ Oregon Treaty

    The US gained the southern part of Oregon and annexed Texas with fear over whether it would become a slave state.
  • Start of Mexican- American War

    War began at early attempts to purchase California and New Mexico by Polk from Mexico, but they refused. Once over US purchased California and part of New Mexico.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Proposed no slavery in the land gained from Mexico, this ended up not getting passed by congress but it showed a changing views in congress to regulate slavery.
  • Nashville Convention

    California and New Mexico said they want to be free states and southern states hold a convention saying they'll suceed if they enter as free.
  • Ostend Manifesto

    Suggestion that US should try to buy Cuba again, and that if Spain wouldn't sell then they should try to take it over.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Part of southern Arizona and south western New Mexico were purchased from Mexico by the Treaty of Mesilla.
  • Kansas- Missouri Border Wars

    The two states begin to argue over on whether the states will become a slave state or not and people were flooding into Kansas to vote and pro slavery won.
  • Dredd Scott V. Sanford

    Dredd Scott was a slave living in a free statte and the question was if he was still free or not. The supreme court decided that he was still enslaved and had to return home to him owner, the south saw this as a huge win.
  • Panic of 1857

    Panic that really only hit the Northern Industrialization and led the south to thinking their economy is better.
  • Election of 1860

    Lincoln won the election and this election also ended up dividing the south into factions.
  • South Carolina Secedes Union

    South Carolina began the south leaving the union, South Carolina was soon followed by Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and most slave states.
  • Start of Civil War

    War division between the North and South, the souths campaign supported slavery and felt neglected from the rest of the country as opposed to the northern states.
  • Ex Parte Marrimen Passed

    Declared that the federal government could not suspend due process and that there must be a trial with every charge.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Was passed in 1863 and delcared that slaves were free from states in rebellion and they were free to join and fight for the union army.
  • National Banking Act

    Created a national US currency in attempt to make the states more united.
  • End of Civil War

    The end of the Civil war began Reconstruction which consisted of having to readmit states back into the union, economy changes, constitutional, and political facotrs.
  • Period: to

    Period 6

    Era of Good Stealings, Immigration, and Labor Unions
  • Period: to

    Period 7 pt 1

    Imperialism, WWI, Progressivism, and Reconstruction
  • Congressional Reconstruction

    This extended the Freedmans Bereau, readmit south to union, and passed acts to give african-americans their rights and freedoms.
  • Civil Rights Act Passed

    Gave African Americans the equal protection under the law following the Civil War.
  • Start of Military Reconstruction

    Was the result of many redicals being put into congress and required that south be treated like they lost the war, 5 military districts put into the south, and african- americans began voting, getting educatrf, and even running for office.
  • Resumption Act

    Congress declared that in 4 years that they will exchange greenbacks for gold.
  • Compromise of 1877

    Declared Hayes as president, ended military reconstruction, south gets federal money to rebuild, democratic party gets a cabinet seat, and to understand that the south won peace.
  • Great Railroad Strike

    One of the first large scale strikes, this was conducted by the railroad worked and was very violent; this ended with a little more safety precations and awareness for railroad workers.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    US citizens bagan getting worried about Chonese workers taking their jobs, president Hayes began the act.
  • Establishment of Bureau of Labor

    This was created with the goals of upholding work standards and protecting the safety and health of workers.
  • Creation of National Labor Union

    One of the early unions created and it consisted or skilled and unskilled workers.
  • Haymarket Square Riot

    In Chicago protestors holding a ralley and shots from inside the facotry killed workers. The police arrived and and fought protestors, linking unions with violence.
  • Dawes Act

    The Dawes Act reorganized Indian Territory, in an attempt to help out the natives and view them more as people than tribes.
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    This act was the first government iniative to regulate Railroad trade and travel.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    This was created with the intention to make monopolies illegal, but it actually ended up fighting labor unions.
  • Spanish- American War

    The War began over Spains colonial control in Cuba and Peurto Rico, which resulted in the US stepping out as a major colonial power.
  • Progressive Era

    A movement from the late 1800s-early 1900s that started to improve the lives of average americans and resulted in social welfare legislation, regulating big business, and formation of professional organizations.
  • Anthracite Coal Strike

    Coal miners went on strike and sent to federal government. Teddy Roosevelt ended up siding with the minors and that was the first time the federal government helped workers.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    An extension of the Monroe Doctrine that stated the US could intervine in Latin American business and the US became a police power in Latin America.
  • Election of 1904

    Teddy Roosevelt elected and ran on a "square deal" idea, and when put in office Roosevelt broke apart monopolies, helping strikers, strengthening commerce commision, and environmental changes.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    This was created by Teddy Roosevelt to insure people were eating safe things and food labels must be accurate.
  • Mann- Elkins Act

    Made it legal for ICC to regulate telephone and telegraph services.
  • Federal Reserve Act of 1913

    This act was set to regulate banking and it also regulated the amount of money in ciculation and set an interest.
  • Clayton Antitrust Act

    Strengthened the Sherman- Antitrust Act by making unions exempt from prosectution and breaking up monopolies.
  • National Defense Act

    This act raised the size of the US army and was a result of naval reconstruction.
  • Sussex Sinking/ Ultimatum

    Germany sunk a US ship without warning and US created an ultimatum which stated no targeting of passenger ships, no attacking unarmed cargo ships, and they must give time for crew to get off of ship.
  • US Joins WW

    US was struggling to remain nuetral along with Germany not abiding with agreements. Once US joined congress instituted a draft.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Germany sent telegraph to Mexico encourging Mexico to attack the US and promised Mexico the land that they lost from the Mexican- American War.
  • Outbreak of Spanish Flu

    Global outbreak that was enhanced by WWI. The outbreak caused millions of deaths in the US and hurt the economy.
  • National War Labor Board Created

    Limited war workers days to 8 hours along with unions promising not to strike.
  • Period: to

    Period 7 pt 2

    Great Depression, Red Scare, and Immigration Limits
  • 19th Ammendment

    Gave women the right to vote and helped diminish the "Cult of domesticity".
  • 18th Amendment

    Prohibetted sale of alcohol and led to speakeasys and organized crime.
  • 1924 National Origins Act

    Government used 1890 census and set quota of 2% and even more limited for Russians and Eastern Europeans.
  • Scopes Trials

    A Tennesse teacher taught the theory of evolution and it was taken to trial, and it was found unconstitutional and the teacher was found guilty.
  • Black Tuesday

    First large stock market crash due to everyone trying to sell stock at once and overspeculation, this was one of the causes of the Great Depression.
  • Social Security Act

    Provides pensions for retired workers along with compensation for unemployed and disabled veterans.
  • Bank Holiday

    An effort to regain peoples trust in banks. FDR closed banks for 3 days and inspected to decide if they would become successful or not.
  • Establishment of CCC

    The Civilian Conservation Core that employed young men and did conservation work all over the country, this created jobs and money in the economy.
  • Quarantine Speech

    Speech made by FDR that encourged sanctions against Japan, and led to US freezing Japaneese assets and placed an embargo in 1941.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    This replaced the NRA and raised minimum wage, lowered weekly hours, and helped restrict child labor.
  • Burke Wadsworth Act

    The government initiated draft, eventually leading to 15 million soliders overall from the US.
  • Lend- Lease Act

    The president can lend defense supplies to any country fighting on the same side as the US.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack by Japan on US naval base in Hawaii, the Japaneese sank many ships on the base and that led to a unanamous vote to go to war.
  • D-Day

    Allies met on coast of France and averted German soliders. France was eventually liberated soon after.
  • Yalta Conference

    Last meeting with FDR and the highest Allie powers discussed post war plans. War ended 3 monthes later.