Period: to
Mexican American War
Mexican government refused offer of money in exchange for territory with the US. Fight broke out on this day. -
DRead Scott Case
African Americans were not citizens and Missouri compromise was seen as unconstitutional -
Mormans Arrisve In Utah
Emigrated to Salt Lakke City -
California Gold Rush
80000 men set out to find a fortune in mining -
Treaty of Guadaaluope
Ended Mexican american War. US gais California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, and parts of Arizona, Kansas, and Wyoming. -
Henry Thoreaus resistance to civil govenment -
Compromise Of 1850
Admitted California to the Union as a free state, but did not forbid slaver in territories gained from Mexico -
Fugitive Slave Laws
PArt of the compromise of 1850. Required northerners to return runaway slaves to the south -
Republican Party Formed
Held in Wisconsin, formed to stop expansion of slavery. -
Kansas Nebraska Act
West of Iowa and Missouri was opened to white setlement. KNown as the Missouri compromise slavery was prohibited north of the 36,3o line. In its place two territories were created, Kansas and Nebraska. -
Bleeding Kansas
Supportes of both slavery and anti slavery rushed into kansas to claim popular soverignty of their side. -
Assault in the Senate
Sumner was attacked on the floor of the US Senate -
Made Lincoln a US presideant canident -
Lincold Elected
Lincoln wanted to unify the union but south saw him as an abolishionist and feared north would not support the southern econonmy. -
Secession of the Confederacy
South CArolina was the first stte to secede. Followed by Missouri Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana -
Homestead Act
Gained 160 acres west of public land and signed the pacific railway act to provide the first transcontinental rail road. -
Emanciation Proclamation
Declared all slaves free in loyal ares. -
Battle at Gettysburg
Confederacy suffered a defeat, bloodiest baddle of the civil war. -
Gettysburg Address
Presidents dedication address -
Lincoln Re elected
Lincolns Assassination
Shot by John Booth at Fords theatre in washington DC -
13th amendment ratified
abolished slavery -
Civil Rights Acts
Defined all people born in the US citizens -
Reconstruction Acts
Military watch placed on the south in attempt and they must adopt the constitution -
15 amendment
Gave blacks the right to vote -
Amnesty Act
Removed restrictions places on the south -
Election of 1876
The contenuous election -
Compromise of 1877
Allowed For hayes ellection with the withdrawls of federal troops from the south