APUSH Key Concepts 1-6 Semester 1

  • Period: 1050 to 1200

    Cahokia at its peak

  • 1492

    Columbus Arrives in America

  • 1512

    Encomienda System

  • 1521

    Defeat of the Aztecs

  • Jamestown

  • Quebec

  • Santa Fe

  • 20 African slaves arrived in Jamestown on a Dutch ship

  • Period: to

    Beaver Wars

  • Period: to

    1st Anglo-Dutch War

    causing the English takeover of New Netherland, both countries wanted commercial advantages in the Atlantic
  • Period: to

    2nd Anglo-Dutch War

    England got control of New Netherland
  • Period: to

    3rd Anglo-Dutch War

    the Dutch had recaptured New Netherlands, but then the English eventually regained control
  • Metacom's War

  • Bacon's Rebellion

  • Pueblo Revolt

    killed over 400 Spanish- they wanted to rid the area of the Spanish and their religion, but the Spanish eventually regained control of the area
  • Great Britain Created

    Union between England and Scotland
  • Period: to

    1st Great Awakening

  • Stono Rebellion

    a literate slave led other slaves to kill several white colonists before being stopped, which the rest of the slaves were executed or sold
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War/7 Year's War

  • Boston Massacre

  • Boston Tea Party

  • 1st Continental Congress

  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

  • Common Sense released

  • Battle of Saratoga

  • Period: to

    Articles of Confederation

  • 1st Bank of US

  • American System

  • 2nd Bank of US

  • American Colonization Society

  • Corrupt Bargain

  • Blackhawk War

  • Annexation of Texas

  • Popular Sovereignty Coined

  • California became a state

  • Period: to

    Bleeding Kansas

  • Battle of Gettysburg

  • Period: to

    13th, 14th, 15th Amendments Passed

  • Battle of Little Bighorn

  • Bland Allison Act

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

  • Civil Service Commission created

  • Period: to

    Lost Generation

  • American Federation of Labor founded

  • Andrew Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth

  • Battle of Wounded Knee

  • Anti-Saloon League

  • Atlanta Compromise

  • Cross of Gold Speech

  • Anti-Imperialist League

  • Period: to

    Bull Moose Party

  • 16th Amendment

  • 17th Amendment

  • 18th Amendment

  • 19th Amendment