Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
Turner's Thesis
U.S. revolt against Hawaii Queen
Period: to
Cleveland Presidency
American troops capture Manila
Period: to
McKinley Presidency
Sinking of the Maine
Teller's Amendment
Panamanian Rebellion
Cuban Revolt
De Lome Letter
McKinley Annexes of Hawaii
Puerto Rico Annexation
Spain signs an Armistice
Treaty of Paris is signed
Open Door Policy
Philippine Insurrection
Foraker Act
Boxer's Rebellion
Period: to
Panama Canal
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
San Francisco School Board Demands Segregation
Period: to
Roosevelt Presidency
Platt Amendment
Hay Bunau Varilla Treaty
Period: to
Russo-Japanese War
Portsmouth Conference
Gentlemens Agreement
Great White Fleet
Root-Takahira Agreement
Period: to
Taft Presidency
Period: to
Wilson Presidency
Period: to
Mexican Revolution
Jones Act