• French in Mexico 410

    French in Mexico 410
    As soon as the Civil War ended, the USA invoked the Monroe Doctrine and threatened to war with France unless they took their troops out of Mexico. Napoleon backed down and removed his French troops. We threatened France and they backed down. This illustrates our power.
  • Purchase of Alaska 410

    Purchase of Alaska 410
    Russia and Great Britain had claimed Alaska previously. Russia sold Alaska to the US for 7.2 million dollars after Russia had claimed it for sale. Russia chose to sell it to America because we were thankful for their support in the Civil War. After buying Alaska, the US nearly doubled in size.
  • Blaine and the Pan-American Conference 412

    Blaine wanted to bring our neighbors to the North together to make relations better. His main goal was to reduce tariffs which didn't get accomplished but he created a federation founded on cooperation. This made America gain allies in the south.
  • The Spanish-American War 412

    The Spanish-American War 412
    The US wanted to ensure the loyalty of Cuba to the US whether it meant taking over or just signing a treaty. America had invested in Cuban sugar, Spain had misruled them, and the Monroe Doctrine all were factors that contributed to the intervention in Cuba.
  • Open Door Policy in China 416-417

    China was becoming weak due to mismanagement and failure to modernize. Other countries were controlling sections of China including those sections' import and export. The US felt left out and they didn't want to lose China as an exporter and importer. The US kindly asked the countries that controlled the ports to agree to an open port policy that was fair for everyone. It only benefited the US but no country was going to start something with us so they gave in.
  • Annexation of Hawaii 414

    Annexation of Hawaii 414
    People had lived in Hawaii for ages. Before the US added it as the 50th state in 1959, the islands were ruled by a Hawaiin monarch. American settlers helped to overthrow the monarchy and it became annexed in 1898 due to a war in the Phillippines. Hawaii added a middle passage between the US and Asia aiding the US' military and defenses.
  • Panama Canal 418

    Panama Canal 418
    The US had new territories in the Gulf and wanted a way to travel through Central America instead of going all the way around. The completion connected the West Coast to the East coast as well as connected the continental US to their new islands.