Baby boom begins
Harry S. Truman's Presidency
Truman enacts the creation of the Loyalty Review Board
Blacklists are created
McCarthy announces that he has a list of known communists in the State Department
The McCarran Internal Security Act was passed
Rosenberg Trials Begin
The McCarran-Walter Act
Richard Nixon delivers the Checkers Speech to save himself from humiliation
Dwight D. Eisenhower's Presidency Begins
Truman’s presidency ends
Playboy's first issue
Army-McCarthy hearings
Brown vs. Board of Education decision that "separate but equal" is unconstitutional:
Vietnam War begins
Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
Elvis releases "Heartbreak Hotel"
Southern Christian Leadership Conference founded for nonviolence
Little Rock Nine goes to Central High
NASA founded
Students for a Democratic Society founded
Greensboro sit-ins
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee formed for nonviolent immediate change
Dwight D. Eisenhower's Presidency Ends
John F. Kennedy's Presidency Begins
Peace Corps founded
Yuri Gagarin goes to space
Freedom Rides begin
United Farm Workers with Cesar Chavez founded
John Glenn orbits the earth
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
Baby boom ends
Feminine Mystique Published
Martin Luther King gives "I Have A Dream" speech
March On Washington
John F. Kennedy Assassinated
Lyndon B. Johnson's Presidency Begins
VISTA created
The Free Speech Movement Begins
Johnson Pushes through Kennedy's tax cut
Johnson's Great Society Speech
Civil Right's Act of 1964
Head Start Created
MLK's march on Selma
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission created
Medicare signed by Johnson
Medicaid signed by Johnson
The Voting Rights of 1965
Watts Riots in LA for civil rights
The Department of Housing and Urban Development formed
National Organization for Women (NOW) founded
Black Panther Party founded
Martin Luther King assassinated
Robert Kennedy Assassinated
American Indian Movement founded
Lyndon B. Johnson's Presidency Ends
Richard M. Nixon's Presidency begins
Woodstock Music Festival
Kent State University massacre
Hard Hat Riot
Jackson State University killings
Roe Vs. Wade legalized abortion
Wounded Knee legal Battle begins
Richard M. Nixon's Presidency ends
Vietnam War ends