APUSH Civil War timeline

By karkune
  • Northwest Ordinance- GREEN

    Northwest Ordinance- GREEN
    Economic: Established government for the Northwest Territory. It created a single Northwest Territory out of lands north of Ohio, territory could eventually be divided into 3-5 territories. Specified a population for 60,000 people as a minimum for statehood, guaranteed freedom of religion and the right to trail by jury to residents of the Northwest and prohibited slavery throughout territory.
  • Missouri Compromise- GREEN

    Missouri Compromise- GREEN
    Political: The Missouri Compromise admitted Missouri as a slave sate and Main as a free state. Additionally, it drew a line from east to west along the 36 parallel, to divide the nation into halves. North of the 36,30 line would be free states, south would be slave states.
  • Nat Turner Rebellion- RED

    Nat Turner Rebellion- RED
    Political and Social: Nat Turner, a salve himself, led a rebellion of enslaved Virginians in Southampton County against slavery. They killed about 50 white people and 65 total. The rebellion worsened fear towards African American rebels and limited ideas of black education, religion and understanding of the world.
  • The Gag Rule- GREEN

    The Gag Rule- GREEN
    Political: James Hammond proposed the Gag Rule in 1835. The rule prohibited discussions and debates of anti-slavery petitions. It prevented the discussion of abolishing slavery.
  • Amistad Case- RED

    Amistad Case- RED
    Political: A United States Supreme Court case resulting from the rebellion of Africans on board the Spanish schooner La Amistad. It influenced the abolitionist movement. Court rules that African Americans were illegally enslaved and had presented a fight for their freedom.
  • Annexation of Texas- RED

    Annexation of Texas- RED
    Economic: Texas was admitted into the Union and declared it's independence from Mexico.
  • Mexican War- RED

    Mexican War- RED
    Social and Political: Mexican war was a conflict between the US.and Mexico over whether the boundary line of Texas ended at the Nueces River or the Rio Grande. The treaty of Guadalope Hidalgo was created in resolution.
  • Wilmot Proviso- GREEN

    Wilmot Proviso- GREEN
    Economic and Political: Representative David Wilmot of Pennsylvania, an antislavery Democrat, introduced an amendment to the appropriation bill prohibiting slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico.The bill was heavily debated for years.
  • California Gold Rush- RED

    California Gold Rush- RED
    Economic: James Marshall found gold at Sutter's Mill in CA. The news of gold findings quickly gained the attention of people on the east coast and San Francisco. About 300,000 people fled to California to find gold and even an increase of immigration occurred, specifically Chinese immigrants. The 49-er's, a large group of men, abandoned farms, jobs, families, homes and piled onto ships bringing what they could pack.
  • The Compromise of 1850- RED

    The Compromise of 1850- RED
    Political: The compromise consisted of 5 separate bills. Slave trade in D.C was banned however, slavery remained still. It declared a new boundary line for Texas which settled disputed between New Mexico. California was admitted as a free state into the Union. Utah and New Mexico were given the pro-slavery or anti-slavery choice and were established new territories. Additionally, the bill supported the Fugitive Slave Acts.
  • Fugitive Slave Act- RED

    Fugitive Slave Act- RED
    The Fugitive Slave Act guaranteed slave-owners to recover an escaped salve from the North. The federal government was responsible finding, returning and trying escaped slaves. Later in 1850, the 2nd act was passed and it increased harsher penalties for runaway slaves and those who helped them.
  • Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin- RED

    Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin- RED
    Social: Uncle Tom’s Cabin was an anti-slavery novel published by Harriet Beecher Stowe. The novels depicts the harsh realities of slavery and narrates the story of Uncle Tom, a slave, who shows heroic actions saving a little girls life and illustrates how love can overtake the institution of slavery.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act- RED

    Kansas-Nebraska Act- RED
    Economical: K-N Act created by Stephen Douglas, a democratic senator from Illinois, The Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise as Stephen Douglas declared it unconstitutional. The act opened 2 new territories for white settlement and the legislatures were able to decide if they would be pro-slavery or anti-slavery.
  • Ostend Manifesto- RED

    Ostend Manifesto- RED
    Economic: Ostend Manifesto advocated U.S. seizure of Cuba from Spain. Occurred due to from of a slave revolt in Cuba similar to that in Haiti and from a desire to expand U.S. slave territory. Anti-slavery northerners were enraged and threatened to bring new free state into union.
  • Dred Scott Decision- RED

    Dred Scott Decision- RED
    Political: The United states Supreme court, specifically Roger Taney, denied Dred Scott his freedom as a African American. The decision denied the legality of black citizenship in America under article 5 of "due process" in the constitution and declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional.
  • John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry- RED

    John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry- RED
    Political and Social: John Brown, an American abolitionist, led a slave insurrection in Harpers Ferry, VA. Brown alongside other abolitionist members (Higginson, Sanbron, Parker etc.) known as the "Secret Six" attacked and seized the U.S Arsenal Harpers Ferry.
  • Crittenden Compromise- RED

    Crittenden Compromise- RED
    Political: Compromise was an unsuccessful proposal to preserve slavery in the US. Constitution. It implied the inability to abolish slavery. The compromise also compensated owners of runaway salves, restored Missouri Compromise line of 36 degrees 30 degrees and called for the repeal of northern personal liberties.