APUSH chapter 6

  • france cedes acadia to britain

  • New england capture louisburg

  • French send an expeditionary force down the ohio river

  • french begin building forts from lake erie to the ohio

  • albany congress

  • british general edward braddock defeated by a combined force of french and indians Britain expels acadians from Nova Scotia

  • Seven years war begins in europe

  • william pitt becomes prime minister

  • louisburg captured by the british for the second time

  • british capture quebec

  • Treaty of Paris, pontiac's uprising, proclamation of 1763, paxton boys massacre

  • sugar act

  • stamp act and stamp act congress

  • declaratory act

  • townshend revenue acts

  • treaties of hard labor and fort stanwix

  • boston massacre

  • first committee of correspondence organized in boston

  • tea act and boston tea party

  • intolerable acts, first continental congress, and dunmores war

  • lexington and concord, second continental congress

  • Americans invade canada, Thomas Paine's Common sense, Declaration of independance