APUSH chapter 19

  • Morrill act authorizes land grant colleges

  • Knights of labor founded

  • Standard oil founded

  • Financial panic brings severe depression

  • Baseballs national league founded, Alexander graham bell patents the telephone

  • Thomas Edison invents the incandescent bulb, depression ends

  • Tuskegee institute found

  • Peak of immigration to the United States in the 19th century, Chinese exclusion act passed, standard oil trust founded

  • William graham sumner published the social Darwinist classic “what social classes owe to each other”

  • Campaigns for 8hour workday peak, haymarket riot and massacre discredit the knights of labor, American federation of labor founded

  • Sherman antitrust act passed

  • Stock market panic precipitates severe depression

  • Coney Island opens

  • Rural free delivery begins

  • Andrew carnegies “gospel of wealth” recommends honesty and fair dealing

  • US steel corporation formed