
  • 1490

    The columbian exchange

    The columbian exchange
    It was known as the Columbian exchange because of the exchange of diseases, ideas, foods, crops, and populations between the new world and the old world. Many native American tribes were wiped out due to the Columbian exchange..It also led to a lot of slavery and new populations. It also led to many extinction of species. Christopher Columbus introduced all new foods, species, and diseases. Which is why The Columbian exchange is named after him.
  • Jamestown is established

    Jamestown is established
    In 1607, 104 Englishmen arrived in North America to start a settlement. On May 13, 1607, they picked Jamestown, Virginia for their settlement and became the first permanent English settlement in America. It was intended to be the strong long-term settlement effort, which helped new investors to recreate the enlgish society in north america
  • Plymouth

    Separatists landed at Plymouth aboard the mayflower, establishing the Plymouth colony. There was a contract signed by new settlers on board the mayflower. Which outlined the form and function of the settlement's government. This represented the very first attempt at self-governance in the new colonies. They had broken off the church of England because they believed the church hadn't completed the work of the protestant revolution. They were called pilgrims.
  • Massachusetts bay colony

    Massachusetts bay colony
    Puritans landed near Boston and settled there. It is the first charted colony whose governors did not reside in England. This helped with their independence because it helped them maintain their puritan religious practices without having the king interfere or the Anglican church. It was also called the city on the hill, it was created by Hohn Winthraphs where he urged his followers to live the right lives of godly pursuit, thus being a model to the rest of Europe.
  • Plymouth/Massachusetts Bay colony

    Plymouth/Massachusetts Bay colony
    A hounding Plymouth colony is absorbed into a successful growing Massachusetts bay colony. This all happened because of the influence of John Winthrop and because a lot of puritans wanted to purify the church, riding it of all remnants of catholicism, excess, and what they saw as moral wrongs and corruption. They, however, wanted to remain part of the Anglican church, A more pure version of the church.
  • Sugar Act of 1764

    Sugar Act of 1764
    It was the first act of parliament passed after the French/Indian war was the Sugar Act of 1764. Grenville hoped that if he lowered the tax that had already been on sugar maybe they would stop smuggling. George was in charge of increasing revenue for Great Britain after the French/Indian war. It cut the duty on foreign molasses from 6 to 3 pence per gallon. it prohibited the importation of all foreign rum.
  • The quartering act of 1765

    The quartering act of 1765
    IN 1765, the British further angered the colonists by passing the quartering act and act forced American colonists to house and feed British forces who were serving in North America. The act further inflamed tensions between the colonists and the British. The colonists were angered at having their homes forced to open. The subsequent close contact with the British soldiers did not engender good feelings between the sides from Britain dropped almost in half.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    It was a street fight that ended in a massacre. It was between a patriot mob throwing snowballs, stones, and sticks at a squad of British soldiers. Several colonists were killed, and this helped unite the colonists to fight against Britain. This helped spark the desire for American independence. The Boston massacre started with colonists protesting against the acts that the British had put on them and they started fighting back until it turned deadly.
  • The British Crisis

    The British Crisis
    Was known as a costly war because colonies had to be made more profitable. British troops remained in the colonies to protect them against the Spanish, returning french/Indian aggression, and enforcing colonial acceptance of new measures issued by the British, They also gave them the proclamation of 1763 which means no expansion past the Appalachian mountains. It made a lot of colonists angry because they felt that they were still being ruled by the king.
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    It was a political protest against the British, the colonists were angry and frustrated at Britain for imposing "taxation without representation" they dumped 342 chests of tea, because of the taxing on tea. It fueled the tension that had already begun between Britain and America. As a result of this Britain shut down the Boston harbor until all 342 chests of tea were paid for.
  • The battle of Saratoga

    The battle of Saratoga
    The battle of Saratoga represents a turning point in the war. British general John Burgoyne and his armies plan to move south where he will meet up with two other British armies and face the continentals. The other two British armies are not there, and Burgoyne is quickly surrounded and forced to surrender along with his whole army.
  • Yorktown

    After a grueling campaign through the southern colonies, general Cornwallis retreated to the coast of Yorktown, Virginia for the winter and the protection of the royal navy. Cornwallis was not aware however that the french navy had defeated the British fleet at the battle of the capes in September. When Cornwallis arrived at Yorktown, he found the french. The Americans and the french led a siege to the British position and Cornwallis surrendered this ended major fighting in the revolutionary war
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The treaty of Paris in 1783 officially ends the revolutionary war, the newly created united states of America are granted all British lands between the Atlantic ocean and the Mississippi river and north to British Canada. In terms of the treaty, France gave up all its territories in mainland north America, effectively ending any military threat to the British colonies there.
  • The french revolution

    The french revolution
    The French people overthrow the french monarchy by executing king xvi, neutrally the u.s would not side with any European country in wartime. During this period, french citizens radically altered their political landscape, uprooting centuries-old institutions such as the monarchy and the feudal system.
  • Federal Judiciary act of 1789

    Federal Judiciary act of 1789
    One of the first acts of the new congress was to establish a federal court system through the judiciary act signed by president George Washington. The founders of the new nation believed that the establishment of a national judiciary was one of their most important tasks.
  • Hamilton's financial plan

    Hamilton's financial plan
    Hamilton's plan called for the government to repay both federal and state debts. He wanted the government to buy up all the bonds issued by both the national and state government before 1789. He then planned to issue new bonds.
  • The whisky Rebellion

     The whisky Rebellion
    PA farmers refused to pay the tax until the American army enforces it, this upholds the power of the new federal government. The whisky rebellion was the first test of federal authority in the united states. This rebellion enforced the idea that the new government had the right to levy a particular tax that would impact all citizens in all states. But this made them mad because they felt like it was the British parliament all over again.
  • Kentucky and Virginia resolution

    Kentucky and Virginia resolution
    Drafted in secret by future presidents Thomas Jefferson and James madison, the resolutions condemned the alien and sedition act as unconditioned and claimed that because these acts overstepped federal authority under the conditions, they were null and void.
  • Transportation Revolution

    Transportation Revolution
    Moving people and goods around the country is essential to the economy. Rivers are the first major source of moving large amounts of goods, but they can only move efficiently downstream. Steam power changes the transportation system, leading to faster and cheaper transportation.
  • The jefferson presidency

    The jefferson presidency
    he end of the federalist era Jefferson would win the election of 1800 and bring an end to the federalist era and bing in Jefferson era. His victory and the resulting changrin political idealogy is known as the "revolution of 1800". He slashed the army and navy expenditures, cut the budget, and eliminated the tax on whiskey so unpopular in the west, yet reduced the national debt by a third. He sent a naval squadron to fight the barbary pirates, who were harassing American commerce in Washington.
  • Marbury V Madison

    Marbury V Madison
    Strengthened the federal judiciary by establishing for it the power of judicial review, by which the federal courts declare legislation, as well as executive and administrative actions, inconsistent with the u.s constitution.
  • The embargo act of 1807

    The embargo act of 1807
    This act stopped all foreign trade. This hurts the port cities that depend on trade for revenue, but it encourages domestic production. even after the embargo act is repealed the war of 1812 further discourages trade and U.S factories. Once the war is over, all the investment money had been bottled up in Europe for many yrs. begins to freely flow back into American business. Interchangeable parts are a remarkable innovation in manufacturing, which makes mass production possible.
  • the war of 1812

    the war of 1812
    The British navy is taking American sailors from American ships and forcing them into service on British ships. This is called impressment, the British army is supporting native americans resistance against the u.s. They are providing training and weapons. The united states want to prove to Britain that the victory of the American revolution was not luck.
  • The battle of thames

    The battle of thames
    On October 5, 1813, British and Indian forces are defeated by American forces in Canada. Tecmuhs death ends Indian resistance in the Ohio river valley. It happened because tecmuhs had sought to form a confederacy of American Indian tribes to stop anglo- Americans from seizing American indian land.
  • The british burn the capitol

    The british burn the capitol
    The British army invades the united states and marches to Washington D.C., after a brief fight the city surrenders, and nearly all government buildings are razed. In relation to Americans burning the Canadian capitol in york.
  • The battle of new orleans

    The battle of new orleans
    The American forces are a multicultural motley band of experienced soldiers and warriors. The British, a trained army, are virtually moved by American forces hiding behind earthworks and cannons. American forces at New Orleans are led by General Andrew Jackson whose army inflicted great casualties on the British army. Andrew Jackson will be associated with winning the war. People assume that this victory is responsible for ending the war.
  • Seneca falls convention

    Seneca falls convention
    It outlined women's inferior status and included radical demand for suffrage. After Seneca falls, women's rights, conventions became annual events, where women met to discuss educational opportunities, divorce, reform, property rights, and sometimes labor issues.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    With tensions running high over what to do with new territories. While some want to see the institution of slavery expanded and protected. Others are just as adamant about seeing it abolished. Henry clay once again rides to the rescue by proposing his latest compromise. California enters the union as a free state, strict fugitive state laws are enacted nationwide, and territories applying for statehood will now be governed by the concept of popular sovereignty.
  • Homestead act of 1862

    Homestead act of 1862
    Lincoln signed this act, it said 160 acres to every person that accepts it. But you have to farm it for 5 years, not only do they want to get rid of the land but they want to profit off it. They didn't want absentee owners, you need to live there, and make it bigger and improve it. The homestead act accelerated the settlement of the western territory.
  • Emancipation of 1862

    Emancipation of 1862
    Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation because the nation approached its third year of bloody civil war. The proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states are, and henceforward shall be free." It also decreed that freed slaves could be enlisted in the Union Army, thereby increasing the union's available manpower.
  • overland trails

    overland trails
    Was an alternate wagon route of the famous Oregon trail. Pioneers crossed around this area as they headed in the late 1800s. The overland trail was a stagecoach trail in the American west during the 19th century.
  • Wade-Davis bill

    Wade-Davis bill
    Most republicans in congress, many of them radicals, felt that Lincoln's plan was too lenient on the southern rebels. Only 50% of state voters had to swear oaths of loyalty to the union, only non-confederates were allowed to vote and hold political offices. But Lincoln refused to sign the bill stating that it was too harsh on the south, but then he was assassinated.
  • Congress takes over

    Congress takes over
    Johnson declared that the south had met all necessary demands, and congress was disgusted with this situation. Johnson vetoed bills that extended the life of the freedman's bureau and a civil rights bill that would have given freed blacks full citizenship and privileges. However, Republicans continued to gain moe strength in congress with the 1866 elections and they now had the necessary majority to override his vetoes.