
  • Period: to


    Period 3~red, period 4~orange, period 5~yellow, period 6~, green, period 7~blue
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    a set of 4 laws that restricted foreign immigrants and speech in the US. adams used the acts as ‘anti war’ precautions.
  • Marbury V Madison

    Marbury V Madison
    marbury v madison established judicial review. Judicial review means that the courts can decide whether or not the laws can be deemed unconstitutional or constitutional.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    530,000,000 acres of land bought from france. Weakened the anti feds because expanding and purchasing land was considered a federalist party thing.
  • Florida

    the purchase of florida from Spain was separated between two treaties. The adams- onis treaty of 1819 and the transcontinental treaty of 1821. Opened up multiple port cities, expanded american land, helped gain control of the Mississippi river
  • McCulloch v Maryland

    McCulloch v Maryland
    established the power of congressional power. Important because it stated that the national bank could be established and local and state banks couldnt tax on it
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    helped to balance northern vs southern voices in the senate by establishing the line between slavery and free states in America. Mainly to prevent the outbreak of war.
  • Monroe doctrine

    Monroe doctrine
    Monroe used this doctrine to basically lay claim for America to the Western hemisphere. This was a way for America to reduce colonization by European powers and to lay claim to power
  • Gibbons V Ogden

    Gibbons V Ogden
    established that the federal government is stronger than state governments. Important because it made the anti feds more powerful than the federalists.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    removed Native Americans from eastern US land and pushed them more west. America conquered their lands and moved them western of the Mississippi
  • Worcester V Georgia

    Worcester V Georgia
    the argument over whether or not non native americans were allowed to be on native american land. Established that federal power overrides state power.
  • Texas

    texas, the 9 year old country, decided that joining the us would be helpful so they joined America. This provided protection from Mexico and Native Americans.
  • Oregon

    America got territory that almost 5 modern states worth of land. This aquisation of land showed that Britain didn't want to fight with America over land.
  • Mexican Cession

    Mexican Cession
    America got land from Mexico after winning the mexican Amrican war. We got majority of our western coast including parts of new mexico, california, arizona, and nevada.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    California was to be admitted as a free state and provided a territorial govt for new mexico and Utah. established a border for texas.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    land acquired from Mexico. America now had arizona and parts of southern new mexico.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    repealed the Missouri compromise. Created two new territories that had popular sovereignty. Produced a violent uprising known as bleeding kansas.
  • dred Scott v sanford

    dred Scott v sanford
    dred scott argued that he was a free slave and he was denied. established that the rights of the constitution did not apply to African Americans.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    provided any adult access to 160 acres of land for free out west. Encouraged settlers to move west.
  • 13th

    abolished slavery and other involuntary services were deemed illegal.
  • 14th

    granted rights to all people born in the United States. Guaranteed the rights of citizens
  • Military Reconstruction act

    Military Reconstruction act
    established organized law movements in the south to enforce post civil war rule. Led to rise of group known as the redeemers who wanted white south.
  • Alaska

    America bought Alaksa from Russia in 1867. America now had access to vast amounts of land and natural resources such as coal, oil, and lumber.
  • 15th

    guaranteed all men the right to vote regardless of color, race, or ethnicity.
  • Munn v. Illinois

    Munn v. Illinois
    separated state power and govt power over businesses based on what they did. Public purposes such as railroads or grain elevators were for the fed govt not states.
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    settled the debate of the 1876 election. Formally ended reconstruction and pulled out troops from the south
  • Wabash v. Illinois

    Wabash v. Illinois
    overturned the munn v illinois case. Allowed states to regulate railroads.
  • Chinese exclusion act

    Chinese exclusion act
    restricted immigration to the United States. Prohibited all chinese workers except for teachers, merchants, students, travelers, or diplomats.
  • Dawes severalty act

    Dawes severalty act
    goal was to assimilate Native Americans into American society. Annihilated their cultural and societal traditions.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust act

    Sherman Anti-Trust act
    allowed for even more free trade in the US. banned anything that would prevent trade across states.
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Plessy v Ferguson
    established that racial segregation laws were constitutional and they could they be maintained as long as the seperate establishments were equal. Important because it kept jim crow laws for the next 50 years.
  • Hawaii

    America annexed hawaii after a few years of fighting with the native peoples and overthrowing the queen. Showed American power during imperialism.
  • 16th

    allows the federal govt to issue and collect income taxes from all americans. Allows the govt to keep up with things like the military, railroads and infrastructure, and enforce laws via law enforcement.
  • 17th

    allowed citizens to directly vote for senate. This meant more of a voice for Americans.
  • 18th

    this amendment prohibited alcohol in the united states. Meant to reduce alcohol consumption in America but eventually led to an even higher consumption rate.