Sep 5, 1492
Christopher Columbus' Trip
San Salvador -
Sir Walter Raleigh 2nd Charter
Sir Walter Raleigh wants to send another charter -
John White in New World Again
John White gets back 3 Years late
The people are gone that settled there. No one has any idea what happened to them -
King James I in Charge
Jamestown Settlement
New England
Puritans -
John Smith Injured
Virginia House of Burgesses Started
Doesn't play a role until 1700's -
William Bradford Orchestrates Mayflower
Non-Separatist move to New Hampshire
Lord Baltimore's Charter
Protestants -
Massachussets Industry
Period: to
Saugus Ironworks - on APUSH test
Bacon's Rebellion
First time there is a physical threat to the government -
Society of Friends -
William III (William the Orange)
New King of England -
Period: to
George I Leads
Not interested in the Colonies or the Parilament -
George I
Period: to
Great Awakening
Started calling themselves British
Albany Plan
Period: to
French and Indian War - Phase I
Part of 7 Years War -
Period: to
French and Indian War -Phase II
Period: to
French and Indian War - Phase III
George II
George II Rule
not interested in parliament -
Proclamation Line
Colonists cannot cross the Appalachian Mountains -
Period: to
George Grenville
new colonial system -
Sugar Act
Sugar Taxed -
Stamp Act
9 Colonies Send People to New York
New York - neutral (not Massachusetts)
Send a strongly worded letter about taxes -
Townshend Acts
Boston Massacre
Tea Act & Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Act