April Morning Timeline

  • Paul Revere's Midight Ride

    Paul Revere's Midight Ride
    Paul Revere's midnight ride to alert the patriots of the British.
  • Patriots form a militia to defend themselves against the British.

    Patriots form a militia to defend themselves against the British.
    The militia was a rag tag group of patriots defending themselves against a vicious and dangerous British army.
  • The British march to Concord

    The British march  to Concord
    Hundreds of British troops march from Boston to nearby Concord in order to seize the patriots weapons
  • Afternoon Dinner

    Afternoon Dinner
    Moses Cooper is very stubborn on what he belives. He will stand for what he believes to anyone who opposes.
  • Adam and Ruth's walk

    Adam and Ruth's walk
    After dinner, Adam heads to Ruth's house to take her for a walk. On the walk, they discuss various topics such as their future and their place in the world. Then they kiss, and walk home together.
  • Period: to

    April Morning Timeline

  • This means war!

    This means war!
    The British arrive to a blockade of Patriots armed and ready to fight for their country!
  • " The shot heard 'round the world"

    " The shot heard 'round the world"
    This shot started a major battle, but we are yet to discover who shot.
  • The battle plan works!

    The battle plan works!
    The British try to fight off the Patriots, but are forced to slowly retreat!
  • The battle of Lexington/Concord

    The battle of Lexington/Concord
    These events caused the battle of Lexington/Concord a bloody battle between the British and Patriots in which many deaths occured.
  • The Americans retreated and regrouped!

    The Americans retreated and regrouped!
    They made a new battle plan and went back to fight the British hoping for a better outcome this time around.
  • We win!

    We win!
    The Patriots are thrilled for the win and now have confidence in themselves and what they can do.
  • The war is not over!

    The war is not over!
    The Americans still have many other battles to fight, but the victory in this battle gives them hope for the other battles that follow.
  • Adam signs the muster book

    Adam signs the muster book and officially becomes part of the patriot militia organized to fight against the British.
  • Adam's father shot

    At Adam's first battle, his father is shot in the chest twice, causing Adam to run away. This death is a huge blow to Adams family.
  • Adam and Levi in the smokehouse

    Adam and Levi in the smokehouse
    Levi warns Adam of the British and tells him to leave town
  • Adam meets Solomon Chandler

    After fleeing town, Adam runs into a man named Solomon Chandler who feeds and comforts him about his father's death.
  • Adam shares the things he has witnessed

    After being led back to the militia encampment, Adam tells what he witnessed.
  • adam falls asleep during battle

    adam falls asleep during battle
    During the next ambush, Adam falls asleep under some brush and he is awakened by cousin simmons and the Reverend searching for his body.
  • Adam comes home

    When Adam comes home, he is greeted by mourners grieving Moses' death.
  • Adam and Ruth visit the coffin

    Adam and Ruth visit the coffin
    Adams mother sends him to deliver and light candles next to his fathers coffin. Ruth is there, too.