Newswarisover detail

April 19, 1945

  • WW2 is delcared over

    WW2 is delcared over
    Germany surrenders, allies take home Victory. Canada leaves with a newfound sense of pride and hope for their country.
  • Period: to

    Canada and the Cold War

  • The United Nations is created

    The United Nations is created
    Canada has contributed to more peacekeeping missions than any other member of the UN. Canada has also been a member of the UN since it's creation
  • Creation of NATO

    Creation of NATO
    Canada was not only a member of NATO but also one of the principal inititators of the alliance. This was also the first peacekeeping alliance that Canada had ever joined.
  • Communists take control of China

    Communists take control of China
    The communist corruption in China was considered an extreme lost to the democratic countries. (US, and especially Canada)
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    Canada played a role of peacekeepers during the Korean War. Attempting to keep a medium between the East and the West. Joining the UN during this time was sign of Canada's best intentions of Support.
  • Creation of the WARSAW Pact

    Creation of the WARSAW Pact
    The WARSAW Pact was the alliance of the countries belonging to the Eastern European block and the ex-USSR. This was otherwise known as the Iron Curtain
  • Lester Pearson diffuses the Suez Crisis

    Lester Pearson diffuses the Suez Crisis
    Even though Canada was not fully involved with the Suez Crisis, Canada's foreign minister Lester Pearson became, what was considered a "Front line player" of the UN.
  • Berlin Wall is built

    Berlin Wall is built
    The Berlin wall was a barrier between Eastern and Western Germany. Canada yet again, played a role as peacemakers during this time, assisting in trying their best to take down the wall with the help of the US
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Americans, during the Vietnam War were draftdogers, as they fled to Canada to escape "The wrath of the draft". When Japan had left Vietnam in 1945, Vietnam was split into two. The communist North, and the more laidback; Democratic South.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban missile crisis was a time when the world was literally holding it's breath. Russia was building secret missile bases in Cuba, and was planning to launch at any sign of a given threat that they would receive from the US. Because of this, an embargo was made between Cuba and US, and is still going on today. Canada acted was peacekeepers during this time, as well.
  • USSR invades Afghanistan

    USSR invades Afghanistan
    This was a nine-year proxy war between the Soviets and Afghanistan. During this time, Canada had played no specific or significant role during this time.
  • Berlin Wall is torn down

    Berlin Wall is torn down
    People had come to the wall day and night with sledgehammers, smashing down parts of the wall and doing their best to reunite the Western and Eastern parts of Germany. The people who took part in this were better known as "Mauerspechte". Canada played the role of peacemakers in this time, and they participated in the celebration of this monumental day.