Approaches to Psychology

By HyleJne
  • Structuralism

    the theory that elements of human culture must be understood in terms of their relationship to a larger, overarching system or structure
  • Inheritable Traits

    Inheritable Traits
    understanding of how heredity, or biological traits passed from parents to children, influences abilities, character, and behavior
  • Funtionalish

    the study of how animals and people adapt to their environments
  • Gestalt

    the study of how sensations are assembled into perceptual experiences
  • Psychoanalysis

    The role of a pyschoanalysist was one where you would primarily listen to the patient an then interpreted your observations
  • Behaviorism

    belief that psychology should concern itself only with the observable facts of behavior
  • Cognitive

    processes involve conscious intellectual activity, such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering—all ways of processing information
  • Humanistic OPsychology

    Humanistic OPsychology
    It does not view humans as being controlled by events in the environment or by unconscious forces, yet the environment and other outside forces serve as a background to internal growth
  • Psychobiology

    the study of how the brain, the nervous system, hormones, and genetics influence our behavior
  • Sociocultural

    a theory used to describe awareness of circumstances surrounding individuals and how their behaviors are affected specifically by their surrounding, social and cultural factors