Hitler Appointed as Chancellor
Adolf Hitler appointed as chancellor as a result of the Nazi Party being the largest elected party in the German Reichstag -
Adolf Hitler reveals foreign policy to conquer the Lebensraum
The Enabling Act
The Enabling Act gave Chancellor Adolf Hitler the power to enact laws without the involvement of the Reichstag. Gave Hitler plenary powers -
Largest Police Force
Adolf Hitler named Hermann Göring as Interior Minister of Prussia which gave him command of the largest police force in Germany -
Führer of Germany
Adolf Hilter became Führer of Germany following the death of President Paul von Hindenburg. Little resistance to stop him -
Nuremberg Laws
Adolf Hitler announced the Nuremberg Laws. The first law, which was the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor, prohibited marriages between Jews and Germans. The second law, The Reich Citizenship Law, took away the German citizenship of the Jews. -
Germany reoccupied the demilitarized zone in the Rhineland which was a violation of the Versailles Treaty -
Four Year Plan
Adolf Hitler ordered Göring to implement a Four Year Plan in order to prepare Germany for War within the next four years -
An axis was declared between Italy and Germany -
Japan over China
Adolf Hitler ended the Sino-German alliance with the Republic of China in order to join an alliance with the powerful Empire of Japan -
Plan Z
Adolf Hitler ordered the re-equipment and expansion of the Nazi German Navy, called Plan Z -
Hitler renounces German-Polish Non-Agression Pact and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement