4500 BCE
Earth's Formation
The Earth's formation the birth of our solar system. Before the solar system we know now came to exist. Our space was made up of large clouds of rock and gasses in rotation. The solar system was composed of hydrogen and helium produced from the big bang and over time it evolved into the solar system today. -
4000 BCE
The First Organic Molecule
In the scientific community, the theory that life evolved from matter at some point in time now seems to be established between 3,900 and 3,500 million years before now. -
3500 BCE
Life Appears
The first cells to inhabit Earth 3,500 million years ago were prokaryotic cells. These cells didn't have an internal nucleus separated by a membrane like normal cells. Scientist believe these cells obtained the energy of the fermentation of organic molecules from the ocean. -
1800 BCE
Oxygen In The Air
It's assumed that oxygen in the air would fall into a photosynthesis category. The atmosphere 1,800BC had no oxygen.Since both plants and algae and cyanobacteria breathe with oxygen. It's difficult to tell which organism was the first to photosynthesize. It is not certain that anaerobic photosynthetic organisms even existed. -
1400 BCE
First Eukaryota Cells
Prokaryotic cells were the main characters of terrestrial life for 2,000 million years. But 1,400 million years ago the first eukaryotic cell appeared, that is, a cell that has a nucleus with its genetic information. -
500 BCE
First Vertebrates
The first vertebrates appeared inside the water with forms that have simmilarities with the actual fishes. They were very simple , far form what the vertebrates are now. -
Homo Erectus
The actual date is 1.8 millions years ago, and this species was the first that could walk. It was the specie that goes after the Homo Habilis, and it's the predecessor of the Homo Neandertalis. -
Dinosaurs and Mammals coexist
Dinosaurs and mammals coexisted 200 millions years ago, and this date is so important because means the coexistence of prehistoric animals, and the animals today are related through evolution. -
Multicelullular Organisms
Multicelular organisms are organisms that consist of more than one cell, in contrast to unicellular organisms.