By MAN6748
  • Xerox

    Xerox PARC develops the first graphical user interface (GUI), laying the foundation for future app development.
  • Apple

    Apple introduces the Lisa, the first computer with a graphical user interface, inspiring future app developers.
  • Mosaic

    The release of the Mosaic web browser paves the way for the development of web-based applications.
  • PalmPilot

    The launch of PalmPilot, a personal digital assistant, popularizes mobile computing and app development.
  • WAP

    The introduction of wireless application protocol (WAP) enables the development of mobile apps for feature phones.
  • iPhone

    The release of the iPhone sets the stage for the future of mobile app development.
  • App Store

    The App Store is launched, marking the beginning of the mobile app revolution.
  • iPad

    The release of the iPad sparks a surge in tablet app development
  • HTML5

    The introduction of HTML5 technology enables cross-platform app development
  • marketplaces

    The rise of app marketplaces for Android devices expands the reach of mobile apps.
  • PWAs

    Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) gain popularity, offering a hybrid approach to app development.
  • low-code and no-code

    The emergence of low-code and no-code platforms democratizes app development.
  • AI and ML

    The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies enhances app capabilities.
  • AR and VR

    The development of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) apps opens up new possibilities.