
  • Buzz aldrin

    Buzz aldrin
    Buzz Aldrin is still alive
    he is the second person to walk on the moonhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buzz_Aldrin
  • Niel Armstrong

    Niel Armstrong
    He died Aug.25.2012
    Niel Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Armstrong
  • Michael Collins

    Michael Collins
    Michael Collins is still alive.
    He never got to go on the moon.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Collins_(astronaut)
  • day 1

    day 1
    On the first day they began collecting 50 pounds of material from the moons surface then they compared the earths and the moons gravity by hopping like a kangaroo,then they inserted the flag (which was hard) http://www.history.com/topics/apollo-11
  • day 2

    day 2
    the crew of Apollo 11 received some updates to their Flight Plan, performd some spacecraft maintenace activities. They made their first Midcourse Correction by firing the Service Module engine, photograph the Earth, and listen to some music over lunch
  • day 3

    day 3
    Apollo c rew enter the Lunar Module Eagle for the first time, and make an unplanned televsion transmission of their activites. The camera is performing extremely well and shows the interior of the lunar lander http://history.nasa.gov/ap11fj/09day3-entering-eagle.htm
  • day 4

    day 4
    Apollo 11 hasd completed two orbits of the Moon. Between the begining and and the end of the fourth day, Apollo 11 will pass over its intended landing site to let the crew view landscape features they will use as navigation aids during the next day's descent. eagle
  • day 6(landing)

    day 6(landing)
    It next goes through various maneuvers to rendezvous with Columbia. Collins takes over when the two craft are apart and docks Columbia to Eagle.
  • day 5

    day 5
    [This part of the transcript commences soon after the commencement of the crew's rest period leading to wake-up on flight day 5. The crew report on various spacecraft systems and receive the morning news from Mission Control. Armstrong and Aldrin enter Eagle to get ready for the day http://history.nasa.gov/ap11fj/14day5-landing-prep.htm