Apollo Mission #1
An offical launch date for three astronauts to enter space was supossed to be Feburary 21, 1967. A cabin fire was introduced and burned all three of the men. Apollo 1 never reached space and ended in tradgey. -
Apollo Mission #4
This mission, the objective was to test temperatures and after a third orbit, the engine burned. Thankfully no astronauts were abord this flight. -
Apollo Mission #5
This was the first apollo mission to be completley sucessful. -
Apollo Mission #6
This was known as a "booster flight" to test if men were able to exit the aircraft in space. This was a sucess but the spacestation ordered another flight to make sure it was 100% safe. -
Apollo Mission #7
It was a 'C' type mission which means it was an 11-day Earth-orbital test flight, using the first Saturn IB launch vehicle to put a crew into space. They performed this sucessfully. -
Apollo Mission #8
The most amazing trips yet! This unbelievable trip was the first to allow men to take live coverage of the lunar surface and deported the astronauts safley home. -
Apollo Mission #9
The first crewed lunar moduel and it was an Earth orbital mission. -
Apollo Mission #10
Apollo Mission 10 was a staging for apollo mission 11. 11 was to land people on the moon and the 10th apollo mission was just to stage for the next one. -
Apollo Mission #2
Another Apollo disaster. This mission orbited four times and then was destroyed six hours after the mission. -
Apollo Mission #3
This Apollo Mission #3 was also named Apollo-Saturn 202 (AS-202) was a sub-orbital test flight that lasted an hour and a half. The plan for this mission was to launch this faster then the others.