
APHG Amazing Race

  • Period: to


  • 1st departure

    1st departure
    leave from Miami to Rio de Janeiro at 12:00 a.m. 9hour long flight. we sleep on the plane ride down.
  • 2nd departure

    2nd departure
    we arrive at the airport at 3:20 pm, and our flight leaves at 3:30 pm. the flight to Jerusalem is 16 hours long, so we get plenty of sleep on the plane.
  • 1st Challenge

    1st Challenge
    we leave the airport at 9:30, and go to the Saint Sebastian Metropolitan Cathedral by cab, 1.2 miles away from airport. ride is 25 minutes long, with traffic, and we arrive at the church at 9:55. this church shows the LOCAL CULTURE (group of people in a particular place who see themselves as a collective or community, who share experiences and traits). stay and pray at the church for 4 hours, and leave to go back to the airport by cab at 2:55 (same distance, same fare).
  • Period: to

    Amazing Race

  • 2nd challenge

    2nd challenge
    we arrive in Jerusalem at 6:30 am. the scheduled prayer time at the Hurva Synagogue is at 7:45, so we stay at the airport and relax for 1/2 hour. we take a cab to the synagogue at 7, and the drive is 23 minutes long. we tour until 7:45, and we then pray from 7:45 to 12:00. this tour shows us CULTURAL LANDSCAPE(the visible imprint of human activity on a landscape).after, we go into town for 2 hours. we leave at 2:05, and , taking the cab back to the airport, arrive at the airport at 2:28
  • Go to Mumbai India

    Go to Mumbai India
    At around 10:30 PM we will drive to Tel Aviv from Jerusalem. This is about a one hour drive. We will take the 12:00 AM Plane from Tel Aviv to Mumbai, India. This plane ride is 8 hours long and we will arrive in Mumbai at 8 AM. We will be able to sleep during this plane ride.
  • Going to Beijing, China

    Going to Beijing, China
    At 10:00 PM, when we are done with our day in Mumbai, we will take a taxi back to the Mumbai Airport. At the airport, we will go through the clearances and relax for a bit until our plane ride at 11:00 PM. We will then get on the plane and fly to Hong Kong first. After a brief stop at Hong Kong, we will finish our flight and go to Beijing, China. The entire flight is around 10 hours and 35 minutes, so we will arrive at Beijing around 9:35 AM.
  • Worshipping at the Haji Ali Shrine

    Worshipping at the Haji Ali Shrine
    We will take a taxi from the Mumbai airport when we arrive. The drive from the airport to the Haji Ali Shrine is about 22 minutes long. We will get to the shrine around 8:30 AM. At the shrine, we will worship for 4 hours. When done praying, we will walk to Cafe Noorani, which is really close by, where we will eat lunch. We can then spend the rest of our day walking around the Mumbai area and eating different cuisines from the restauraunts nearby the Haji Ali Shrine.
  • Visiting the Temple of Heaven and praying

    Visiting the Temple of Heaven and praying
    From the Beijing Airport, we will take a Taxi to the temple of Heaven, which is about a 35 minute drive. We will arrive at the temple around 10:30. At the temple, we will tour and pray for 5 hours. When we're done praying, we will visit the soccer field nearby in Dongcheng and watch a soccer game. There, we will also be able to eat. When done eating and watching the soccer game, we will take a taxi back to the airport.
  • 5th departure

    5th departure
    we leave Beijing, China at 6:30 p.m. for a flight to Jakarta, Indonesia. this flight is 7 hours long, so we can sleep on the plane. we arrive in Indonesia at 1:30 a.m. because we arrive so early in the morning, we eat and relax in the airport until 7:30, when we go to the next challenge.
  • Last Flight

    Last Flight
    we leave Jakarta at 10:30 pm for our flight back home. this is a 27 hour flight.
  • Visiting Istiqlal mosque

    Visiting Istiqlal mosque
    we leave the airport at 7:30 am. we have to take a taxi ride from the airport to the mosque, which is 37 minutes long. we arrive at around 8:10, and we tour and pray for 6 hours. after, we walk around the city that is outside the mosque, eat, and observe culture. we see the Islam is the ETHNIC RELIGION (a religion that is particular to one, culturally distinct, group of people) of Indonesia. we get a cab back to the airport at 8:30, and our flight leaves at 10:30 to miami
  • flight back home

    flight back home
    from indonesia to Miami is a 27 hour flight, with delays in Japan and California. we fly and sleep all of today
  • arrival

    we arrive in Miami at 2:30 am of our 7th day, completing the Amazing Race Challenge!

    total cost, with food, flights, cabs, is $15,980 never had to pay for lodging.