7984 BCE
Agricultural Revolution
People stoped roaming the land and started liveing in one place. It is when people stoped huntig and gathering and started farming. -
Industial revolution
A blossom in technology. Inventers came to be, more factories, and the printing press was made. -
John Muir
He was the first person that presented the preservation of wildlife. He was an american naturalist. -
Walden by Henery David Thoreau
This book talks about living in nature and just things in nature in general. -
Homestead Act
Signed into act by Abraham Lincon. It encouraged settlers by giving them 160 acers of public land. -
Yellowstone National Park Founded
It is 3,500 acres that has a lot of different animals and sites that people can go and see. -
American Forestry Association Founded
It was founded to help restore forest and there ecosestems. -
Yosemite Plus Sequoia National Park
John Muir founded Yosemite National Park in Yosemite Valley. -
General Revision Act
The General Revision Act let congress reserve the land. -
Sierra Club
The Sierra Club is an environmental science orginization that does a lot of preservation. -
Lacey Act
The Lacey act bans people from trading in illegal animals and was also changed to ban people from trading in wood and paper obtained illegally. -
Period: to
Golden Age of Conservation
After becomeing president one of Roosevelts main consernces became protecting wildlife. So throughout his presidencey he did a lot to protect the land and the wildlife in it. -
Fist National Wildlife Refuge Established
The first national wildlife refuge was Pelican Island Which was created to protect birds from going extenct because of plume hunting. -
US Forest Service Founded
This program was fouded to protect forests and grasslands for us and future generations to have. -
Ginford Pinchot
He was the first cheif of the US Forestry Service. -
Aldo Leopold
He was the writer of the Sand County Almanac and a consevationalist. -
Audubon Society Founded
The Audubon Society's mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosyestems. -
Antiquities Act
The first law that said achelogical sites on public lands are important public resources. -
Congress became upset because Roosovelt was waving so much forest land so they banned further withdrawls.
U.S. National Park Service Founded
Dust Bowl
In the midwest dust storms came through damaging the crops and everything else in the area. Many people died because of the dust in there lungs. -
Civilan Conservation Corps Founded
It was a public work relief program for uneployed people as part of the New Deal. -
Soil Conservation Sevice Founded
It provides technical assistance to farmers and other private land owners and managers. -
Taylor Grazing Act
This act provides the regular grazing of public lands in order to improve rangland conditions and regulate there use. -
Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act
This was put into place so that hunters over the age of 16 that hunts waterfowls has to have a Federal Hunting Stamp. -
Fish Plus Wildlife Service Founded
This was founded for the management of wildlife, life, and natural habitates. -
The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Control Act. -
Silent Spring Published By Rachel Carson
This book is about the effects that irrisponsible use of pestisides hasve on the environment. -
Wilderness act
It is responsible for creating the National Wilderness Preservetion System. -
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
his act is to preserve certain and important rivers. -
Cuyahoga River in Clevland, Ohio, Caught fire
This river caught fire after years of being poluted and caused $100,000 in damage. -
National Environmental Policy Act
IT established the presidents council and promoted environmental enhancement. -
First Earth Day
Environmental Protection Agency Established
Clear Air Act
Love Canal, NY (toxic waste leaks into residentioal houses)
It was here that a chemical company buried 22,000 tons of toxic waste and when a school tried to build there the waste started to leak out which cause problems. -
Endangered Species Act
OPEC Oil Embargo
This embargo jacked up the gas prices in the US from $3 to $12 -
Rolans and Molina (UCI) announce that CFCs are depleating the ozone layer
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
This governs the law of waste removal. -
Clean Water Act
The goal for this is so we can keep polution from destroying water ways. -
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act
This law regualtes the effect of mining on the environment. -
3 Mile Island Nuclear Accident
This was the worst Nuclear disaster in US history and was rated a 5 on a 7 point nuclear disaster scale. -
Alaskan Lands Act
This act gave Alaska many national parks and forests. -
Comprehensive Environmental Responce, Compensation, and Liabillity Act a.k.a Super-fund)
Bhopal, Indian (Chemicaklk toxic cloud kills 2,000)
Over 500,000 people were exposed to a chemical known as MIC. -
A catosrophic nuclear event that had a 7 out of 7 on the nuclear disaster scale. -
Montereal Protocol
An international program desined to protect the ozone layer. -
Exxon Valdez
An oil spill in alaska that spilled between 11 and 38 gallons of crud oil over a few days. -
Enegy Policy Act of 1992
This act addresed energy effetioncy, energy manegment, and energy conservation. -
Desert Protection Act
Law that established Death Valley and Joshua Tree National Park. -
Period: to
Kyoto Protocol
It makes countries decrease greeen hous gas use. -
World Population Hits 6 Billion
BP Oil Spill
This was a oil spill in the gulf of mexico. -
This is a confrence on how to manage climate control.