APES Timeline

  • Henry David Thoreau

    Henry David Thoreau
    Henry David Thoreua was an American author who strongly supported the preservation of wildlife.
  • John Muir

    John Muir
    John Muir was a Scottish-American author, environmental philosopher, and was anearly advocate for wilderness preservation.
  • Teddy Roosevelt

    Teddy Roosevelt
    Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th president of the United States, he was a naturalist who beleived in and supported ecological conservationism.
  • Gifford Pinchot

    Gifford Pinchot
    Gifford Pinchot was the first Chief of the American Forest Serivce, from 1905-1910.
  • Cuyahoga River

    Cuyahoga River
    The Cuyahoga River is a river that feeds into lake Erie. This river sparked an environmental movement after it caught fire in the 1960's. The river has caught fire 13 times, the firsttime being in 1868; the largest in 1969.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    FDR was the 32nd president of the Unites States, he founded the CCC (Civilan Conservation Corps) which generated roughly 2.5 million jobs for Americans, many of the jobs consisted of: planting trees, protecting forests from wildfires, summer camps, imoroving national and state parks, and helping fight erosion.
  • Aldo Leopold

    Aldo Leopold
    American author, environmentalist, and conservationalist.
  • Rachel Carson

    Rachel Carson
    Rachel Carlson was an American Marine Biologist, who wrote books like "Silent Spring", which furthered the global environmental movement.
  • Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan
    Ronald Reagan was the 40th President of the United States, was a big environmentalist.
  • Gaylord Nelson

    Gaylord Nelson
    Gaylord Nelson was an American politician who founded Earth Day.
  • Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy Carter
    Jimm Carterwas the 39th president of the United States and founded the Carter Foundation.
  • Bill Clinton

    Bill Clinton
    Bill Clinton was the founder of the OEJ (Office of Environmental Justice) and the 42nd president of the United States.
  • Lois Gibbs

    Lois Gibbs
    Lois Gibbs was a housewive, and an American Environmental Activist, who was a key leader in relocateing her sons schoolaway from a 20,000 ton toxic dump it was sitting on.
  • London Smog

    London Smog
    London Smog, other known as The Great Smog of '52, was a a cloud of pollution over London, caused by the cold, windless conditons, combined with coal and other pollution in London, England.
  • Shrinking Aral Sea

    Shrinking Aral Sea
    The Shrinking Aral Sea is a lake that was formerly one of the biggest lakes in the world with over 1,100 small islands, sadly, the island has been shrinking steadly since the 1960s
  • Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon
    Richard Nixon was the 37th president of the United States, He founded the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Love Canal

    Love Canal
    The love canal was a canal, that was turned into a chemical landfill, covered with earth and then sold to the nearby city. After a rainfall, the "canal" was so unstable it exploded. The people around the canal reported blue goo leaking into their basements and strange odorsm this canal is one of the worst man made environmental 'screw-ups' in history.
  • Chernobyl

    Chernobyl was a nuclear disaster that happened in 1986, causing a wholepopulation to be moved, casuing the area it happened to be deemed unlivable.
  • Three Mile Island

    Three Mile Island
    The three mile island was a partial nuclear meltdown that took place in Pennsylvania.
  • Toxic Brown Clouds

    Toxic Brown Clouds
    The Toxic Brown Clouds, or Asian Brown Cloud is a giant cloud of pollution caused by woodfires, cars, and factories.
  • TN Valley Coal Ash

    TN Valley Coal Ash
    In 2008, an ash sike ruptured realesing 1.1 billion punds of ash flurry. It had a catostrophac impact on the surrounding area, and world.
  • BP Oil Spill

    BP Oil Spill
    The BP Oil Spill was a catostophic oil spill which killed millions of organisms in the gulf of Mexico
  • Fukashima

    Fukashima Daiichi was a catostrophic nuclear disaster, in Okuma, Fukashima, Japan.