Thomas Mathus predictied that exponetial population growth would outspace linear food prodution, leading to starcation
John Muir
John was a Conservationist and founded the Sierra Club -
Walden by Henry David Thoreau
A book written over course of two years and two months, describing his expiernces he had while living near Walden pond. -
Homestead Act
Provided familys with 160 acers of land as long as they "improved" it. -
Yellostone National Park founded
American Forestry Association founded
The oldest group in america who promoted forrest conservtion. -
Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks Founded
Genreal Revision Act
It allows the President to create forrest preserves -
Sierra Club founded
the oldest and largest environmental organization in america -
Lacey Act
This act puts protection on plants and wildlife and also pohibits trade of plants and wildlife that was taken illegally. -
Golden Age of Conservation (Theodore Roosevelt)
First national wildlife refuge established
U.S. forest service founded
A group that is in charge of 155 national forret and 20 national grassland -
Audubon Society founded
This was created to protect all types of water birds, and establish reserves for them -
Griffond Pinchot
Greatly known for the Managment of the forrest reserves -
Aldo Leopold
Known by many as the Father of the Wilderness, he wrote "A Sand Country Alamanac" -
Antiquities Act
It protects all historic and prehistoric sites and prohibits the destructions of the land unless a permit is required. it also allows the President to declare land as a national landmark. -
Congress became upset because Roosevelt was waving so much forrest land so they banned further withdrawls
U.S. National Park service founded
Dust Bowl
Civillian Conservations Corps founded
It was a work relief program for unemployed men, ages 18-25 -
Soil Conservation Service founded
The Soil Conservation Service provides assistance to farmers and other private landowners and managers. -
Taylor Grazing Act
This is an act that provides the regulation of grazing on public lands to improve rangeland conditions and regulate their use -
Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act
This was created to stop te over hunting of birds, anybody over the age of 16 must purchase a stamp in order to hunt. -
Fish and Wildlife Service founded
An angency created to protect and manage wildlife, fish, and natural habbitats. -
Jane Goodall
She is known for her outanding work wit chimpanzees, also created the jane goodall institute -
Silent Spring published by Rachel Carson
A book written about the pesticides and how they are affecting the enviorment, especially birds. -
Wilderness Act
The wildneress ACt created the leagall defintion of wilderness and protected over 9 acers of federal land -
Clean Air Act
This act was created to ensure that we control our air polution, and it also created a research team. -
Clean Air Act
An addmendment was added that required the U.S. Department of Health to create and enforce auto emixssion standards -
Garret Hardin introduced the Tragedy of the commons
Wild and Scenic Rivers act
created to protect the rivers nartural beauty, and also its recreatinal value for future genrations to expiernce it. -
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon created a 37 point message about the American enviorment, describing what all had to be done to save it -
Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio, caught fire
One of the most poluted rivers at the time, catching fire causing a lot fo damage along the river -
NEPA (National Enviormental Policy Act)
This act was the first act that made the goverment give proper onsideration to the enviorment when making a major law that could affect the enviorment. -
First Earth Day
Enviormental Protection Agency Established
This agencyw as created for research, monitoring, standard-setting and enforcement activities to make sure we have good environmental protection. -
Clean Air Act
The clean Air act of 1970 has four major componets. The National Ambient Air Quality Standards targeted major polluting chemicals, such standards were intended to protect human health as well as the environment. Next was the EPA was to create standards for compainies as to how much pollution they were allowed to emit. Thirdly, the Act specified standards for controlling auto emissions with the hope of reducing various gases. Lastly, the goverment encourage states to make plans to reduce the gas. -
It was created to oversee the sales and use of pesticides with emphasis on the preservation of human health and protection of the environment -
Endagered Species Act
OPEC oil embargo
This act makes it illegal to seel oil to allies of israel in the Yom Kippur with esyria, jordan, and egypt. -
Sherwood Roland and Molina Announce that CFC's are depleteing the ozone layer
It was added that you were allowed to get expiemental permits for agirculture research activities. -
RCRA (Reseource Conservation and Recovery Act)
This act was created to control the disposal of solid and hazardous waste -
Clean Air Act
This added more addmendments to the act, dealing withthe states that did not make plans to reduce the gasses and auto emmisions from their state. -
Clean Water Act
This act was for regulating the discharge of pollutants from a point source to waters in the United States. -
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act
This act regulated the enviormental effects of mining coal, and forced people to abandon over a million coal mines -
Love Canal, NY and Lois Gibbs
This is where Niagara Falls and Bergholtz river meets, and when people found out it was being used to dump toxic waste it began to bring a lot of attention. -
3 Mile Island nuclear accident
This was when a partial nuclear meltdown happened in one of the two nuclear reactors in te plant causing some radioactive gases and iodine to slip into the enviorment. -
Alaskan Lands Act
This protected over 100 million acres of land in Alaska
by making it national parks, a refuge system, or designating wilderness. -
This law created a tax on the chemical and petroleum industries and provided some enforcement of releasesof hazardous substances that may endanger public health or the environment -
Ronald Regan
Bhopal, Indian
A pesticide plant leaks and causes a toxic gass cloud to float over Bhopal and kill 2,000 people -
A reactor in a nuclear plant malfunctioned and released 5% of its core into the atmosphere -
This was ammended by the SARA, which made several iportant changes to the prgogram -
Montreal Protocl
This was put in place to protect the ozone layer by not allowing harmful substances deplete our ozone -
World population reaches 5 billion
Exxon Valdez
This was when an oil tanker wrecked on a reef in Alaska spilling over 11 millions gallons of Oil -
Clean Air Act
The last addition to this act was to focus on the acid rain, toxic pollutants, deadlines for non compliant ares, and the three layers of the ozone layer. -
This added the Oil act which allowed them ti respond to oil spills -
Energy Policy Act of 1992
This act was to make energy more efficent and more conservtive -
Desert Protection Act
This act made several new nlandmarks and national parks and said we must preserve the land as if it was a nationa park -
Julia Butterfly Hill sat in tree "Luna" for 700+ days to protect deforestation
Kyoto Protocol
The UN set emmison targets to try and reduce the pollutants in the air -
World Population reaches 6 Billion
World Population reaches 7 billion