Forest Reserve Act of 1891
The Forest Reserve Act of 1891 allowed the president of the United States to set forest reserves aside from the land in the public domain. This act was passed by congress under Benjamin Harrison's administration. I would identify this act as land. -
Lacey Act
The Lacey Act bans the trafficking in of illegal wildlife. In 2008 the act was amended so that it would include plants and plant products as well. This is the world's first ban on trade of illegal wood products. I would identify this act as land. -
Antiquities Act
This was the first law to establish that sites of archeologists located on public lands are important public resources. It requires federal agencies who manage the public lands to the preserve the historic, scientific, cultural values and commemorative of the archaeological sites and the structures located on these lands. I would identify this act as land. -
National Park Service Act
This act is a new federal bureau in the department of interior that is responsible for protecting 35 national parks and monuments then managed by the department and those yet to be established. It is stated that the service established shall promote and regulate the use of the federal areas such as national parks and monuments. I would identify this act as land. -
Migratory bird act
This act makes it illegal for anyone to take, import, posses, transport, export, sell, barter, purchase, or offer to sell, barter or purchase any migratory bird or the eggs or parts of its nest except under the terms of a permit. I would identify this act as animal. -
Taylor Grazing Act
This act was intended to stop injury to the public grazing lands by preventing overgrazing and soil deterioration and to provide for their orderly use and development and also to stabilize the livestock industry dependent upon the public. I would identify this act as land. -
Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act
This requires each waterfowl hunter that is 16 years of age or older to have a valid federal hunting stamp. Money from the sale of the stamps are deposited into a special treasury account called Migratory Bird Conservation Fund which are not subject to appropriations. I would identify this act as animal. -
Soil Conservation Act of 1935
This was sought to help control floods, maintain the navigability of rivers and harbors, prevent impairment of reservoirs, protect public health, public lands and unemployment. This allowed the government to pay farmers to decrease production in effort to conserve the soil and prevent erosion. I would identify this act as land. -
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
This act provides for the regulation of pesticide distribution and all uses. In the Unites States all pesticides that are distributed or sold must be registered by EPA. Before it can become registered it has to show that it will not cause adverse effects on the environment. I would identify this act as chemicals. -
Water Pollution Control Act
This was the first major law to address water pollution. This led to sweeping amendments in 1972 due to the growing awareness and concern for controlling water pollution. After it was amended it established the basic structure for regulating discharge from pollutants into the waters in the United States. I would identify this act in the water category. -
Price-Anderson Act
The purpose of this act is to ensure the access to a large pool of funds to provide compensation to members of the public who have become subject to damages from a nuclear or radiological accident. -
Land and Water Conservation Act
The purpose of the Land and Water Conservation Act is to safeguard our natural areas, cultural heritage and water resources and to provide recreational opportunities to everyone. The funds invest earnings from offshore gas and oil to help communities and protect our lands and waters. -
Wilderness Act
This act created the National Wilderness Preservation System and it realized that the wilderness was an area where the earth and the community of life located in it are not deprived of freedom by man and the man is a visitor to the wilderness. The act defined the wilderness as an area of undeveloped federal land. I would identify this act as land. -
Clean Water Act
This act established the basic structure for regulating discharge from pollutants into the waters of the United States. This also gave authority to the EPA to imply pollutant control programs like setting wastewater standards for the industry. I would identify this act as water. -
Endangered Species Act of 1973
This act provides for the conservation of species that are endangered throughout all of their range and the conservation of the ecosystem on which they depend. I would identify this act into the category of animals. -
Safe Drinking Water Act
This act protects public drinking supplies throughout the nation. This act sets standards for the quality of drinking water and implements various technical and financial programs to ensure the safety of our drinking water. I would identify this act as water. -
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
This law governs the disposal of solid and hazardous wastes. This law was passed to address the climbing problems that our nation faced from our growing volume of industrial waste. The act was then amended in 1965 to protect human health and the environment from the potential hazards cause by waste disposal. I would identify this act into the category of chemicals. -
Resource Recovery Act
This act gives EPA the authority to control dangerous waste from the "cradle to the grave". This means the generation, treatment, transportation, storage, and disposal of the waste. In 1986 the act was amended to enable EPA to address environmental problems that could result from underground tanks storing hazardous substances. I would identify this act onto the category of chemicals. -
Comprehensive Environment Response
This provides a federal "superfund" to help clean up uncontrolled or abandoned waste sites or accidents. This act was given the power to seek out parties responsible for any release of hazardous pollutants and to make sure that the corporation cleans it up. I would identify this act as land. -
Compensation and Liability Act of 1980
This act was created to fund the clean up sites contaminated with pollutants and hazardous substances. This law also created a tax on the chemical and petroleum industries and it also provided federal authority to respond directly to hazardous substances that may endanger public health. I would identify this act as land.